Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2012

I have posted the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2012 recently, and here is the reverse, namely the inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2012. The list below is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

If you are concerned, then you should probably avoid getting married on the listed days above.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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    1. I wonder if that counts for starting living together with a partner, without wedding. In that case, maybe I shall bookmark this dates. :)

    2. I never understand this, is there a reason why some dates are 'auspicious' and some are not? The only known reason I hear of is during the 7th month as that is the Hungry Ghost festival... No clue for all the other dates.
