Sunday, January 17, 2016

Auspicious dates for housewarming, open house, party, gathering, etc. in 2016

Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2016 for organizing and hosting meet-up with friends and/or relatives (会友), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates are applicable for housewarming, open house, home party, gathering, potluck, and any other similar functions to meet up with friends and/or relatives. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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Installed YouTube for Android TV 1.3.8 in Huawei EC6108V8 STB of UniFi HyppTV

The Huawei EC6108V8 set top box (STB) of TM UniFi HyppTV comes pre-installed with YouTube app that is not functioning, even though you've successfully make use of WiFi to connect the STB to the Internet.

Anyhow, I've installed YouTube for Android TV version 1.3.8 that can functioning well in the Huawei EC6108V8 STB.

You probably can't find this app in the pre-installed Google Play Store running in the Huawei EC6108V8 STB of UniFi HyppTV. You need to make use of the pre-installed web browser in the STB and visit to the URL below to download and install the YouTube for Android TV app:

Note that the pre-installed YouTube is a system app and you can't easily uninstall it. After installing YouTube for Android TV version 1.3.8, you will have 2 different YouTube app in the My Applications screen of the STB. Luckily they have different icon, so you can easily differentiate between them.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Free Touch n Go card preloaded with RM10 and laptop bag to grab for online IWK payment

FYI, Indah Water (IWK) is having a 2016 IWK Online Payment Campaign from 11-31 January 2016.

You can get a free Touch n Go card preloaded with RM10 value if you are among the first 300 customers who pay your IWK bill using online payment method.

If you are among the first 45 customers who prepaid for 1 year of IWK payment, you can get a free laptop bag too.

In order to participate, you need to email your proof of payment to

Refer to the poster below for more detail.

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Upgraded my UniFi HyppTV set top box (STB) from Huawei EC2108E to Huawei EC6108V8

If you are new home subscriber to TM UniFi with HyppTV package, you will probably get the new Huawei EC6108V8 set top box (STB) as your IPTV service decoder.

If you are existing TM UniFi VIP package user, your HyppTV STB might be of the old Huawei EC6106V5 model...

or even the older Huawei EC2108E...

The Huawei EC2108E STB can only run the HyppTV app, and provides the least control to user.

The Huawei EC6106V5 STB comes with higher hardware specs as well as later version of Android, and is possible to install with other Android apps with some hacking.

The Huawei EC6108V8 is much smaller in size, has even better hardware specs, running on Android 4.4.2, and comes with Google Play Store which makes installation of Android apps even easier.

If you are using the older HyppTV STB and have recently upgraded your UniFi to the 30Mbps or 50Mbps package, you can request to replace your old STB with the latest model for free. As a result, I've upgraded my Huawei EC2108E STB to EC6108V8.

Note that the LAN port of your STB is connected to the LAN port of your router with VLAN 600, which is dedicated for IPTV service. So you can't use it to access to the Internet.

In order for your STB to access to Internet and download apps from Google Play Store, you need to enable WLAN under Settings > Wireless and Network > Enable WLAN.

With this, you can connect the STB to your home WiFi network provided by your router, and use it to connect to the Internet.

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