Showing posts with label family n parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family n parenting. Show all posts

Saturday, April 8, 2023

PTPTN finally announced 2022 dividend for SSPN-i and SSPN-i Plus

After a long waiting, the Malaysia National Higher Education Fund (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional, PTPTN) has finally announced the dividend for year 2022 for the education savings schemes SSPN (Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional, consists of Simpan SSPN Prime which formerly known as SSPN-i, and Simpan SSPN Plus which formerly known as SSPN-i Plus) on 5 April 2023.

The 2022 SSPN dividend payout rate is only 3.05%, amounting to RM266.17 million. This rate is just 0.05% higher than last year disappointing dividend of 3.00%.

This 3.05% dividend has already credited into our SSPN accounts respectively on 6 April 2022.

According to PTPTN, the number of SSPN accounts opened to date is 5.73 million.

Historical SSPN-i dividend payout rate is as below:

  • 2022: 3.05%
  • 2021: 3.00%
  • 2020: 4.00%
  • 2019: 4.00%
  • 2018: 4.00%
  • 2017: 4.00%
  • 2016: 4.00%
  • 2015: 4.00%
  • 2014: 4.25%
  • 2013: 4.25%
  • 2012: 4.25%
  • 2011: 3.75%
  • 2010: 3.25%
  • 2009: 2.50%
  • 2008: 4.00%
  • 2007: 4.00%
  • 2006: 4.00%
  • 2005: 4.00%
  • 2004: 3.00%

You can proceed to the new MyPTPTN website to check the transactions and amount of savings in your kid's SSPN account.

Beside that, the Ganjaran Kesetiaan Simpan SSPN Prime 2023 campaign is now launched and active until 30 April 2022. You can enjoy a 1% return for new money exceeding RM500 that you put into your account during the period, provided that the SSPN account you opened for your kid's education saving is before year 2020, and no withdrawal of any money from your account from 5 April 2023 onwards until 30 September 2023. Maximum amount to be given under this campaign would be RM8,000 per account.

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Sunday, January 1, 2023

The differences between Panasonic X-Premium (XU-XKH series) and X-Deluxe (XPU-XKH series) inverter R32 aircon

I have just retired all the old Panasonic non-inverter air-cons in my house, which had served my family for more than 16 years, to the current generation of Panasonic inverter R32 aircons powered by nanoe X technology.

Now, I can feel the advantages of using inverter aircon compared with the traditional non-inverter type, which are comfort and cost saving.

The inverter type of aircon can precisely control the room temperature at fixed level, so that it is not so warm and not so cold, just nice to feel "not warm" and comfort at around 25.5℃. Unlike the traditional non-inverter aircon which I always feel cold at midnight, and I always had to set timer to turn it off around 3am, because it just couldn't keep the temperature constant at 25.5℃ and might fall lower during midnight.

From the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app that linked with the aircons at my house, I can see that the aircon consumes more electricity when it first turned on and the difference between room temperature and my desired temperature is still having a gap. Once it reached the desired temperature, the electricity consumption will reduce a lot.

On average, my inverter aircon consumed about 1 to 2 kWh per day. I keep it on almost 24 hours per day, most of the time without aircon function but with air sterilizer function, and a few hours with aircon function.

I also noticed that my 1 HP aircon actually consumed slightly more electricity than my 1.5 HP aircon. I think this is because the lower HP inverter aircon needs to work harder to bring the temperature down to 25.5℃, while the higher HP on can do the same more effectively. Once it reached the desired temperature, the electricity consumption is almost the same regardless it is 1 HP, 1.5 HP or 2 HP aircon.

Based on this observation, I think it is better to buy inverter aircon that is one level higher than the traditional non-inverter aircon for the same room size, i.e. if you are using 1 HP non-inverter aircon for the room, you can buy 1.5 HP when changing to inverter one. That will most probably be able to save you more in your electricity bill.

Before I bought my new aircons, I had actually done some study to compare between the Panasonic X-Premium (XU-XKH series) and X-Deluxe (XPU-XKH series) inverter R32 aircon. I think my findings might be useful for you if you are also wondering which one to buy.

Their similarities:

  • Both models use R32 gas.
  • Both models are having the highest 5* energy star rating.
  • Both models have ECO Mode with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) that can save more electricity when turned on.
  • Both models have built-in WiFi remote control, on top of using the normal infrared remote controller. You can install the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app in your handphone to link with your aircon and control its functions, as well as monitor its usage, temperature readings (indoor and outdoor) and electricity consumption.

  • Both models have built-in nanoe-G ionizer that can produce 3 trillion negative ions per second. nanoe-G charges air particles (i.e. dust, dirt, smoke, liquid droplets, etc.) as small as PM2.5 with negative electricity and catches them with its air filter. The charged air particles not caught by the filter are also heavier and will drop on the floor by themselves. In this way, the air is cleaned up.
  • Both models also have built-in nanoe X module that releases hydroxyl radicals into the air. This is able to kill bacteria, viruses & mould, and also deactivate pollen, allergens & PM2.5 dusts. In this way, it is able to sterilize the air and also remove odour.
  • The nanoe-G and nanoe X functions can work independently without turning on the aircon function. Their electricity consumption is very minimal. Of course, they can also work when the aircon function is turned on at the same time.

Their differences:
  • Although both the XU-XKH series and XPU-XKH series have nanoe X module, the one in XU-XKH series is Generator Mark 2, which is able to produce 9.6 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second, while the one in XPU-XKH series is Generator Mark 1, which is able to produce 4.8 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second. Therefore, the nanoe X function in the X-Premium series is double effective than the one in X-Deluxe series.
  • Only the X-Premium series has iAUTO-X function, which can cool the air more faster.
  • Only the X-Premium series has humidity sensor, that lets the aircon keep the room humidity at below 60% level at night for better sleep quality.
  • The aerowings in X-Premium series have a new design that enable them to blow the cool air further more.

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

The best aircond temperature setting for different rooms in your house

It always has been a frequently asked question for most of us to find out the optimal temperature to set for our air-conditioner, particularly the inverter type which is good in maintaining the room temperature at the degree we want, to strike a balance between cost & energy saving and our comfort level.

According to Panasonic, the industry leader in aircond manufacturing, the best aircond temperature setting is as follows:

  • Bedroom: 24-25 ℃ (most comfortable temperature range for sleeping)
  • Living room: 25.5 ℃ (best temperature to achieve both comfort and saving)
  • Dining room: 25.5 ℃ (best temperature to achieve both comfort and saving)
  • Study room: 22 ℃ (optimal temperature for your brain to focus and think)

Click here for source of information.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

e-LATiH - thousand over free online training courses with cert by HRD Corp

FYI, there is an online e-learning portal called e-LATiH by HRD Corp (formerly known as HRDF, under MOHR), which you can freely register for an account to enroll for a selection of 1000++ free online courses.

The URL of e-LATiH is:

This online e-learning portal is open to Malaysian and also non-Malaysian. Basically, everyone are free to use it without much restriction.

Categories of the courses, which could be either in English, Malay or Chinese, including:
  • Leadership or organisational development
  • Education, skills development or languages
  • Marketing and innovation
  • Management / business management and corporate governance
  • Public relations, customer service or communications
  • Purchasing, logistics, supply chain or electronic business
  • Process and operation
  • Quality management and productivity
  • Safety and health
  • Sustainability
  • Scientific or technical, statistics or research and development
  • Wholesale or retail or electronic commerce
  • Building, construction, maintenance or landscaping
  • Creative arts, journalism or entertainment
  • Digital technologies and digital transformation
  • Engineering
  • Financial services and financial technology

The courses are conducted in the form of pre-recorded video. Upon completion of watching the full video, you will be given a Certificate of Completion by HRD Corp. No examination is needed for most of the courses, while some courses may have assessments in the form of quizzes or short assignments.

You can start learning anytime, and complete a course at your own pace with no specific deadlines.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

PTPTN announced 2021 dividend for SSPN-i and SSPN-i Plus

The Malaysia National Higher Education Fund (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional, PTPTN) has just announced quite a disappointing dividend for year 2021 for the education savings schemes SSPN (Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional, consists of Simpan SSPN Prime which formerly known as SSPN-i, and Simpan SSPN Plus which formerly known as SSPN-i Plus) on 22 February 2022.

The 2021 SSPN dividend payout rate is only 3%, amounting to RM206.25 million. This rate is the second-worst since inception, just slightly above the worst dividend in 2009 of 2.5%.

This 3% dividend will be credited into our SSPN accounts respectively on 25 February 2022.

According to PTPTN, the number of SSPN accounts opened to date is 5.24 million.

Historical SSPN-i dividend payout rate is as below:

  • 2021: 3.00%
  • 2020: 4.00%
  • 2019: 4.00%
  • 2018: 4.00%
  • 2017: 4.00%
  • 2016: 4.00%
  • 2015: 4.00%
  • 2014: 4.25%
  • 2013: 4.25%
  • 2012: 4.25%
  • 2011: 3.75%
  • 2010: 3.25%
  • 2009: 2.50%
  • 2008: 4.00%
  • 2007: 4.00%
  • 2006: 4.00%
  • 2005: 4.00%
  • 2004: 3.00%

You can proceed to the Online SSPN-i Statement of Account website to check the transactions and amount of savings in your kid's SSPN account.

You are also highly encouraged to read about Online paying PTPTN / SSPN-i with credit card through Boost.

Beside that, the Ganjaran Kesetiaan Simpan SSPN Prime 2022 campaign is now launched and active until 30 April 2022. You can enjoy a 1% return for new money exceeding RM500 that you put into your account during the period, provided that no withdrawal of any money from your account until 31 July 2022. Maximum amount to be given under this campaign would be RM8,000 per account.

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Monday, December 27, 2021

Rectangular wooden digital LED alarm clock with humidity and temperature display

I have bought this rectangular wooden digital LED alarm clock with humidity and temperature display during the recent 12.12 online sale fiesta, at the price of slightly below RM40.

You can use it as a normal desktop clock (with the alarm function switched off) and also as your bedside alarm clock (with up to 3 different alarm time settings).

It is pretty feature-rich. Other than displaying the time (in either 12-hour or 24-hour format), it also displays the humidity (in RH percentage) and room temperature (in either degree Celsius or Fahrenheit). In DP-1 display mode, it can even show the date of today.

When your air-cond is turned off, and the humidity is above 75%, there is a high possibility that it is going to rain.

In normal days, the humidity level should be between 35%-65%. Higher than that, you should consider using dehumidifier to prevent the growth of mold and pests. Lower than that, you should consider using humidifier instead to safeguard the lifespan of your wooden floorings and furniture.

When your air-cond is turned on, both the humidity and temperature should drop. The room temperature should stay at the level that you set for your air-cond, otherwise you might need to service your air-cond as it no longer able to condition your room temperature according to your setting.

There are 3 power sources for this alarm clock:
  • Internal CR2032 battery, used as emergency power source to memorize your clock settings and to keep the time running when there is no other power sources available.
  • 4x AAA batteries, used as emergency power source for the alarm clock to function as normal, in the event of electricity blackout. Without the USB power source, the AAA batteries will be used up within 24 hours.
  • DC 5V 300mA USB power source, which is the main power source for this alarm clock. Note that the alarm clock only comes with a USB cable, and you need to prepare your own wall charger to supply the DC 5V 300mA power supply to the clock.

There are only 3 buttons at the back of the clock (Set, Up and Down), making it a little bit tricky to set up the clock. Anyhow, it comes with a comprehensive multilingual instruction manual for you to refer to when setting up the clock.

There are 3 brightness levels for its LED display. During 6.00pm to 6.59am, the brightness level will be automatically switched to the lowest. This is a nice feature so that its LED display will not be too bright at night until it might disturb your sleep.

The LED display even has a "power saving" mode that will turn it off after 15 seconds of display. You can either touch the clock with your hand, or make some noise by clapping your hands near the clock, to bring up the display. You can also turn off this "power saving" mode for the LED display to stay on.

This clock has altogether 3 alarms, which you can set up to 3 different time of the day for it to chime. In addition, it also has a setting for the alarm function to only work during weekdays, and it won't wake you up during weekends.

All in all, I find this alarm clock elegant looking, feature rich and practical to use. It is inexpensive too, either for own use or as a presentable gift.

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Friday, December 10, 2021

K8 body temperature infra-red thermometer powered by USB

Nowadays, infra-red thermometers are widely used in a lot of places to capture our body temperature, especially for COVID-19 preventive measure at the entrance of most commercial premises.

Infra-red thermometer has the following advantages:

  • Non-contact way of measuring body temperature
  • Fast measurement time of around 1 second
  • Pretty accurate if there is no other infra-red source around that might interfere with its signal receiver
  • Affordable price
For home and personal use, if we want to buy an infra-red thermometer, we might want to look for the following features:
  • Small and lightweight, easy to carry along, and save storage space
  • Accurate reading
  • Non-battery powered, since we are not going to use it frequently
  • Cheap price
I found the K8 body temperature infra-red thermometer that operates with DC 5V and powered by USB, cost slightly above RM10, is an ideal one to be used.

This small little device actually has 3 variants of power source connector: USB-C, micro-USB and lightning connector. If you want a future proof one, choose the one with USB-C connector.

It can be powered by the USB port of handphone...

or powered by the USB port of other devices, such as a laptop.

There is a button at its back to switch its reading between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

It will beep when it captured a new temperature reading in the rage between 32 °C to 42 °C. You will most probably get the same temperature when placing your forehead or palm in front of it.

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Friday, December 3, 2021

Self COVID-19 testing by saliva with Sejoy SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid test kit

There will be occasions that you need to do a COVID-19 self-test, to ensure that you are free from COVID-19 infection, before you attend certain events or enter into certain premises.

There are generally 4 types of COVID-19 self-testing kit available in the market now:

  • Nasal swab specimen test
  • Mouth swab specimen test
  • Nasal + mouth swab specimens test
  • Saliva specimen test
Among them, I find the saliva specimen test type is the easiest to use, cheapest to buy, and does not cause any discomfort during specimen collection.

You can get the Sejoy SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid test kit at a price of slightly below RM5 per box (for single test) in Mr. DIY, 99 Speedmart, pharmacies, online e-commerce stores, and some other places.

A brief instruction on how to use it is printed at the back of its packaging box.

There is also detailed instruction printed on a large piece of paper inside the box.

Here are the steps to use it:
  • Do not eat or smoke or drink anything other than plain water at least 30 minutes before the test.
  • Wash your mouth with plain water.
  • Use a knife or scissor to unseal the box by breaking its "QC Passed" sealing sticker.
  • Take out its content.
  • Assemble the saliva collection funnel kit on top of the extraction tube.
  • Collect your saliva into the extraction tube until the saliva is slightly on top of the level mark you can see near the bottom of the extraction tube.
  • Remove the saliva collection funnel kit and put it inside the biohazard waste bag.
  • Put the extraction tube into the hole at the back of the packaging box, so that it won't fall down.
  • Unseal the extraction reagent bag.
  • Drop all the extraction reagent liquid into the extraction tube by squeezing on its bag.
  • Cover up the extraction tube with its attached stopper.
  • Mix your saliva with the extraction reagent by shaking the extraction tube for about 1 minute.
  • Take out the test cassette from its aluminum foil pouch.
  • Drop 2 drops of the mixture in the extraction tube by squeezing the tube on top of the "S" area on the test cassette.
  • You will see the liquid slowly moving from one end of the test paper to the other end. The paper will become purple in colour during the movement, and will change back to white after the movement.
  • The test result should be ready in 15-20 minutes.

  • The control line at "C" position should appear, otherwise the test is not successful, and you will need to redo the test again with a new test kit.
  • If you see another line at "T" position, your test result is COVID-19 positive. If there is no line at "T" position, congratulations, your test result is COVID-19 negative.
  • After the test, insert everything (except the large instruction paper) into the biohazrd waste bag, seal it before disposal.

After using the COVID-19 self-testing kit, you are required to report the test result in MySejahtera app regardless your test result is positive or negative.
  • Open up MySejahtera app in your mobile device.
  • Tap on the "Close" button to close the front page.
  • Tap on the "COVID-19 Self Test" icon.
  • Select "Update Self-Test Result".
  • Continue to follow the on-screen instructions to complete your reporting.

The COVID-19 self-testing kit is labelled with manufacturing lot number, year and month of manufacture, and also the year and month of expiry. At first I thought I'd need to key-in these information in the report, but it ends up I just need to report on whether my test result is positive or negative.

If you are tested COVID-19 positive, then you should reconfirm by taking another test with a new test kit.

If both the tests are showing COVID-19 positive, please isolate yourself immediately, and contact MOH immediately. You can click here to get the MOH COVID-19 hotline contacts.

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

My DEOcross C-ears electric earwax cleaner

If you have family member(s) who loves to pick ears using the traditional earwax rod or even cotton rod, here is a better and safer gadget for them.

This DEOcross C-ears electric earwax cleaner only cost me around RM15.

It operates with an AAA alkaline battery, and works by vibrating and vacuuming the ear wax out into its nozzle.

Here is the content inside the packing box:

  • Transparent plastic casing
  • The main body
  • 2x removable nozzles
  • Cleaning brush
  • AAA alkaline battery

On its body, there is only one button to turn it on and off.

Its removable nozzle is soft, with a length of 2.5cm which is safe to use for ordinary human inner ear.

After use, you can detach the nozzle and clean it with water.

There is a filter at the main body's head to prevent the vacuumed earwax from entering into the main body. It is also removable and can be washed with water.

The only complaint I have with this gadget is that, its battery compartment cap is pretty loose and easy to drop off. I use a piece of cellophane tape to stick the cap firmly to its body.

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Friday, November 5, 2021

My B03 home-use upper-arm digital blood pressure measuring and monitoring machine with colour background and voice function

After I have purchased and used the Jumper JPD-500E fingertip pulse oximeter, I have recently added a B03 home-use upper-arm digital blood pressure measuring and monitoring machine for my family use.

There are several types of home-use blood pressure monitor available in the market, including the traditional bisep (upper-arm) type, wrist type, finger type, etc. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the upper-arm culf type for more reliable measurements.

This B03 upper-arm digital blood pressure monitor can operate with 4 AAA-size alkaline batteries, or powered with 6V USB power source. It has English speaking voice function, providing instruction for blood pressure measuring, and reading out the result after the measurement is completed. It cost slightly more than RM50.

This machine provides 3 measurement values, namely Systolic (upper) value in mmHg, Diastolic (lower) value in mmHg, and pulse rate in bpm. It has memory to store up to 99 times of readings each for up to 2 different persons. It will auto power-off itself 1 minute after measurement is completed and there is no further operation by the user.

Before its first usage, we need to set its date and time by long pressing the S button and then using the M button to do the value setting, so that the date and time for its stored readings are correct.

Blood pressure readings below 120/80 mmHg are considered in the normal range. High blood pressure a.k.a. hypertension is categorized base on severity into Elevated, Stage 1 Hypertension and Stage 2 Hypertension.

Hypertension is also called "the silent killer" as many patients do not have obvious symptom for years. They might not be aware of having hypertension, unless periodically doing medical check-up with doctor, or using this type of home-use digital blood pressure monitor to frequently self check-up.

Hypertension after the Elevated level will need to seek for medical consultation from doctor, and medication might be needed to lower down the blood pressure. Prolonged hypertension can cause damage to body organ.

On the other hand, low blood pressure a.k.a. hypotension refers to blood pressure readings below 90/60 mmHg. Hypotension generally has less impact to our health than hypertension, and usually does not need any special medical treatment, unless there is symptom occurred.

The B03 digital blood pressure monitor uses the standard from World Health Organization (WHO) to determine the category level of its measured blood pressure. Its backlight will turn green for normal blood pressure, orange for mild hypertension, and red for severe hypertension. This visual effect is very handy, especially for the elderly to know the category of their blood pressure level, without the need to interpret the Systolic and Diastolic readings themselves.

The more recent International Society of Hypertension (ISH) 2020 classification of hypertension is as below:

As mentioned in the User Manual of the B03 digital blood pressure monitor, our blood pressure constantly changes throughout the day. It tends to be higher in the early morning and also in the afternoon, and lower at night during our sleep.

There are many mobile apps available to help us record down and monitor our blood pressure readings. Unfortunately, the B03 digital blood pressure monitor is unable to send its readings to our handphone, and we have to manually key-in the readings in the app by ourselves.

One of the recommended mobile app to use is BP Journal developed by a Malaysian called Jason Ong (owner of PortalGroove Solutions). It supports a multitude of global and regional blood pressure classification guidelines (ISH, ACC/AHA, ESH/ESC, NICE, etc.). It supports multi-profiles and able to generate report so that you can share with your doctor or family members.

As prevention is always better than cure, it is highly recommended for every family to be equipped with an upper-arm digital blood pressure monitor, to be used by the whole family, especially the elderly. With the handy blood pressure monitoring machine, you no longer need to check your blood pressure at clinic, as you can self-service at home, and you can have as frequent measurements as you like.

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Malaysia year 2022 national and state public holidays

The official 2022 national and state public holidays in Malaysia has been announced by Cabinet, Constitution and Inter-Government Relation Division (BKPP), Prime Minister Department.

There are 14 days of national holiday (12 national holidays, whereby Chinese New Year and Hari Raya Puasa have 2 days of holiday respectively, and all the rest are 1 day).

1 of them fall on Friday, 1 fall on Saturday, 5 fall on Sunday, and 2 fall on Monday. Most of the states will have around 4 state holidays in addition to the national holidays. 

Kelantan and Terengganu will have 1 additional holiday for Hari Raya Qurban.

Chinese New Year falls on Tuesday and Wednesday (1st and 2nd February 2022). I believe many people will take a few days leave during the period, namely Monday, Thursday and Friday, so that to enjoy a whole week holiday.

Hari Raya Puasa falls on Tuesday and Wednesday too (3rd and 4th May 2022). Good news is, Monday 2nd May 2022 is also a replacement holiday for Labour's Day which falls on Sunday 1st May. Therefore, you can have another whole week holiday by taking leave on Thursday and Friday.

Deepavali falls on Monday (24th October 2022), so you will have a long weekend.

Click here to download the table of Malaysia year 2021 gazetted national and state public holidays.

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Thursday, September 9, 2021

2022 auspicious dates for baby first haircut (Mundan)

 In many culture, religion and/or tradition, the first haircut of a baby is considered an important milestone for his/her life. The day is known as Mundan, Chadakarana, Halaqah, Upsherin, etc.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for baby first haircut in year 2022, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

You might probably also be interested with the auspicious dates for the following occasions in year 2022:


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2021 auspicious dates for baby first haircut (Mundan)

In many culture, religion and/or tradition, the first haircut of a baby is considered an important milestone for his/her life. The day is known as Mundan, Chadakarana, Halaqah, Upsherin, etc.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for baby first haircut in year 2021, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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Monday, September 6, 2021

2022 auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement

Before becoming the life partner, marriage is proposed by lover and engagement is made.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement in year 2022 (year of Tiger), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

You might probably also be interested with the auspicious dates for the following occasions in year 2022:


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    2021 auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement

    Before becoming the life partner, marriage is proposed by lover and engagement is made.

    Here is the list of auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement in year 2021 (year of Cow), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    You might probably also be interested with the auspicious dates for the following occasions in year 2021:

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    Friday, September 3, 2021

    2022 auspicious dates for getting a baby / childbirth / Caesarian delivery

     Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2022 (year of Tiger) for getting a baby (求嗣), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

    The dates have good element(s) to embro/faetus. Traditionally, the dates are referred for conception planning (making love and expecting a baby to the family). Nowadays, people also make reference to them for Caesarian delivery of new born. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    You might probably also be interested with the auspicious dates for the following occasions in year 2022:


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    2021 auspicious dates for getting a baby / childbirth / Caesarian delivery

    Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2021 (year of Cow) for getting a baby (求嗣), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

    The dates have good element(s) to embro/faetus. Traditionally, the dates are referred for conception planning (making love and expecting a baby to the family). Nowadays, people also make reference to them for Caesarian delivery of new born. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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    Monday, August 30, 2021

    2022 auspicious dates for moving to new house / office

     Here is the list of auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in year 2022, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    If you are looking for auspicious dates for moving in 2021, click here.

    You might probably also be interested with the auspicious dates for the following occasions in year 2022:


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    2021 auspicious dates for moving to new house / office

    Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, moving is restricted during the first half of the year of 2021. Hopefully, it can happen during the second half of the year.

    Here is the list of auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in year 2021, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    If you are looking for auspicious dates for moving in 2022, click here.

    You might probably also be interested with the auspicious dates for the following occasions in year 2021:

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    Wednesday, August 18, 2021

    2023 auspicious dates for wedding / marriage

    Many couples plan for their wedding more than 1 year ahead in order to have sufficient preparation time. 

    Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2023 (year of Rabbit), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    If you are looking for auspicious dates for wedding / marriage in 2022 (year of Tiger), click here.

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