Saturday, June 26, 2021

My Jumper JPD-500E fingertip pulse oximeter with OLED display

According to a study led by University of Washington at Seattle researchers, a blood oxygen saturation level below 92% and fast, shallow breathing were associated with significantly elevated death rates in a study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. (Click here to read the original source of the research paper)

Healthcare experts also mentioned that situation of happy hypoxia, or silent pneumonia, or happy hypoxemia, is known to be a complication of COVID-19, whereby the infected patient will have no obvious symptoms such as fever or cough. Measuring the blood oxygen saturation level is a method to reveal sign of COVID-19 infection for patient with such "silent" situation.

Recently, Singapore Temasek Foundation has announced to give one pulse oximeter to every household in Singapore, so that residents can monitor their blood oxygen levels regularly. The device checks the oxygen level in the blood and can help detect early signs of a deterioration in health. (Click here to read the original source of information)

Although my Huawei Watch GT2 is able to measure blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) level, its measuring process takes some time, which is a little bit inconvenient.

During the recent online e-commerce shopping spree, I decided to buy a pulse oximeter with the following reasons:

  • Unlike my Huawei Watch GT2, the pulse oximeter can provide instant reading.
  • It provides "second opinion" reading, so that I can counter-check and confirm the accuracy of the readings from both devices.
  • It can be easily shared among family members.
  • It is very easy to use, fool-proof, and simple for elderly people like my parents to use.
My criteria to choose a genuine medical-grade pulse oximeter:
  • It must be accurate. Although there are many cheap oximeters available in the online stores, I have read article that some of such oximeters come out with reading despite you trick it by putting a pencil into it instead of your finger (which it supposedly should not come out with any reading).
  • At least have a brand, and better be manufactured by a medical equipment manufacturer.
  • Certified as a medical device by CE and/or FDA.
  • With one year manufacturer warranty.
  • Budget below RM100, as I am pretty sure I should be able to get one with that price range.
and I had chosen the Jumper brand JPD-500E fingertip pulse oximeter with OLED display.

This pulse oximeter features an OLED colour screen display with 6 display modes in 4 directions. It is powered by 2 AAA batteries, which come together in the box. It also comes with printed user manual, a pouch, and a hanging stripe.

On its screen, it is able to show:
  • SpO2 reading (range: 35-100, accuracy: ±2%)
  • Pulse Rate (PR, range: 25-250 bpm, accuracy: ±2 bpm)
  • Perfusion Index (PI, a measurement of how "strong" is the pulse)
  • Photoplethysmogram (PPG, showing heart pump cardiac cycles)
  • Pulse bar (showing the strength of pulse)
  • Battery level

The pulse oximeter will start working once your clip your finger into it, and press on its one-and-only button. The readings shown are in real-time. It will switch off by itself after you remove your finger from it.

According to a research paper, if you are a right-handed person, you can get the most accurate value with your right hand middle finger; if you are a left-handed person, then you should use your left hand middle finger instead.

One feature I like about this Jumper JPD-500E pulse oximeter is that it is able to give an alert sound when its reading is detected to be out of normal range. This makes it really fool-proof, as you don't need to understand the readings shown on its screen. As long as it has reading and it doesn't give alert sound, you are quite OK. If it comes out with alert sound, then your reading is not OK, and you should take action on that, for example, to seek medical advice from your doctor.

The Jumper JPD-500E pulse oximeter is IPX 22 rated. It is not so waterproof and should be avoided to get contact with water. Anyhow, it is advisable to clean both your finger and the device with medical alcohol before use, for hygiene purpose, as well as to obtain better accuracy.

Regarding its accuracy, I find its SpO2 and Pulse Rate reading quite consistent with my Huawei Watch GT2.

Below is a photo of using both the devices together. You can see that the SpO2 reading is 1% different at that particular moment, as the reading will have a slight change of 1% from time to time during the measuring period. The Pulse Rate readings are both the same at 80 bpm.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

My Niimbot D11 portable thermal label sticker printer

I had a Brother P-Touch 65 thermal label sticker printer in my household that served for more than 15 years. It was really handy to use. Recently, it had finally reached its end of life.

As its replacement, I have bought the Niimbot D11 portable thermal label sticker printer. If you are looking for a label printer under the price tag of RM100 that is capable of doing a lot of wonders, you can consider this too.

Niimbot D11 operates with internal rechargeable battery. You can recharge its battery with its USB port from wall charger, power bank, laptop USB port, etc.

Compared with most label printers that need 6 AA size battery to power up, this rechargeable type can no doubt save quite a lot of battery money, and also easy to get recharged. However, I think we can no longer expect its lifespan to last for many years without changing its internal battery.

The Niimbot D11 printer can't operate by itself. It needs to work together with the Niimbot mobile app which you can freely download from Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The app pairs with the label printer using Bluetooth connection.

I think this is a very brilliant way to unleash a lot of design possibilities to the printer, by letting us doing the design using the mobile app.

The label printer can be fed with different kinds of label sticker, of different sizes and different pre-printed patterns and designs. The printer is able to auto-detect the type of sticker you put in it. In case it has detected wrongly, you can also manually configure it for the right sticker type with the app.

Niimbot D11 can only print in black colour, but you can buy the pre-printed label base in colourful design, or normal white background, as well as in transparent background. Labels can be purchased from Niimbot e-commerce store, or inside the app (probably for purchase within China only).

Niimbot supports printing text in multilingual, multiple lines, multiple font sizes, different alignment styles. It also comes with many different types of font.

Among the supported languages are English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and others as shown in the diagram above.

However, you need to switch the language preference in the app before you can have access to the various fonts made available to that particular language. This is a limitation that I find quite cumbersome. Hopefully this can be improved in future version of the app.

The label design interface is WYSIWYG type, and entering text is very alike using a word processor.

Beside text, you can also add in graphics and artworks to the label. There are quite a lot of ready made icons in the app too.

In fact, Niimbot D11 supports many types of printing element, including barcode, QR code, table, graphics, etc.

It can even support batch printing from lines of entry in Excel file, and also printing of serial number, current date and time, etc. This could be useful in commercial usage, such as printing of price tag, production batch, etc.

The printing speed of this Niimbot D11 is pretty fast. However, its thermal label stickers are of fixed length with gap in-between 2 stickers in a roll. This will have limitation if you want to print super long text.

All in all, I find this Niimbot D11 portable thermal label sticker printer to be value of money, and it makes label design fun and easy, with many possibilities.

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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Online check your latest COVID-19 vaccination appointment status

There are basically 3 ways to check your latest COVID-19 vaccination appointment status:

  • Check inside MySejahtera mobile app, under COVID-19 Vaccination function
  • Check with JKJAV website
  • Make a phone call to toll free number 1800-888-828
Using either one of the above channels, you can check for the vaccination status for yourself, as well as the status for your dependent(s) registered with your phone number.

The checking applied to both the conventional vaccination registration and also the voluntary AstraZeneca vaccine immunization registration in Malaysia.

Certain people found that even though they had successfully secured a slot for AstraZeneca vaccination, the appointment info is not shown inside their MySejahtera mobile app.

If you found yourself or your dependent to be in such situation, you can click here to double-check with JKJAV website, or make a call to 1800-888-828.

You will need to provide the identity no. of yourself or your dependent, and the phone no. that you've used to register your MySejahtera app.

After that, you should be able to see your vaccination appointment status on the next screen.

This information should be in sync with the same piece of information shown in your MySejahtera app. If they are not in sync, you should make a call to 1800-888-828 for clarification.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Free post-vaccination insurance coverage for COVID-19 by Chubb

Chubb is giving out free insurance, provided to Malaysian citizens age 18-70 years old, without any charge or payment of premium needed, for COVID-19 vaccination.

You might have already received email from AirAsia BIG Rewards regarding this initiative, as AirAsia BIG Rewards is a joint-organizer for this "Complete a Survey,  Get Free 14-Day  Post Vaccination Insurance & Be Rewarded" campaign.

This insurance covers up to 2 times of COVID-19 vaccination within Malaysia, with approved vaccine taken on or before 31 December 2022.

The insurance benefits:

  • In the event of hospital confinement as a result of adverse reaction following immunisation (within 14 consecutive days from your most recent COVID-19 vaccination), a daily income of RM200 (up to a maximum of 14 days) can be claimed.
  • In the event of accidental death as a result of accidental injury within 14 consecutive days after each of your vaccination, an amount of RM5,000 can be claimed.
The coverage shall start upon your successful enrolment with Chubb by submitting an online enrolment form in their website. Note that the protection period is within 14 days right after you have taken your COVID-19 vaccinations.

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