Sunday, January 1, 2023

The differences between Panasonic X-Premium (XU-XKH series) and X-Deluxe (XPU-XKH series) inverter R32 aircon

I have just retired all the old Panasonic non-inverter air-cons in my house, which had served my family for more than 16 years, to the current generation of Panasonic inverter R32 aircons powered by nanoe X technology.

Now, I can feel the advantages of using inverter aircon compared with the traditional non-inverter type, which are comfort and cost saving.

The inverter type of aircon can precisely control the room temperature at fixed level, so that it is not so warm and not so cold, just nice to feel "not warm" and comfort at around 25.5℃. Unlike the traditional non-inverter aircon which I always feel cold at midnight, and I always had to set timer to turn it off around 3am, because it just couldn't keep the temperature constant at 25.5℃ and might fall lower during midnight.

From the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app that linked with the aircons at my house, I can see that the aircon consumes more electricity when it first turned on and the difference between room temperature and my desired temperature is still having a gap. Once it reached the desired temperature, the electricity consumption will reduce a lot.

On average, my inverter aircon consumed about 1 to 2 kWh per day. I keep it on almost 24 hours per day, most of the time without aircon function but with air sterilizer function, and a few hours with aircon function.

I also noticed that my 1 HP aircon actually consumed slightly more electricity than my 1.5 HP aircon. I think this is because the lower HP inverter aircon needs to work harder to bring the temperature down to 25.5℃, while the higher HP on can do the same more effectively. Once it reached the desired temperature, the electricity consumption is almost the same regardless it is 1 HP, 1.5 HP or 2 HP aircon.

Based on this observation, I think it is better to buy inverter aircon that is one level higher than the traditional non-inverter aircon for the same room size, i.e. if you are using 1 HP non-inverter aircon for the room, you can buy 1.5 HP when changing to inverter one. That will most probably be able to save you more in your electricity bill.

Before I bought my new aircons, I had actually done some study to compare between the Panasonic X-Premium (XU-XKH series) and X-Deluxe (XPU-XKH series) inverter R32 aircon. I think my findings might be useful for you if you are also wondering which one to buy.

Their similarities:

  • Both models use R32 gas.
  • Both models are having the highest 5* energy star rating.
  • Both models have ECO Mode with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) that can save more electricity when turned on.
  • Both models have built-in WiFi remote control, on top of using the normal infrared remote controller. You can install the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app in your handphone to link with your aircon and control its functions, as well as monitor its usage, temperature readings (indoor and outdoor) and electricity consumption.

  • Both models have built-in nanoe-G ionizer that can produce 3 trillion negative ions per second. nanoe-G charges air particles (i.e. dust, dirt, smoke, liquid droplets, etc.) as small as PM2.5 with negative electricity and catches them with its air filter. The charged air particles not caught by the filter are also heavier and will drop on the floor by themselves. In this way, the air is cleaned up.
  • Both models also have built-in nanoe X module that releases hydroxyl radicals into the air. This is able to kill bacteria, viruses & mould, and also deactivate pollen, allergens & PM2.5 dusts. In this way, it is able to sterilize the air and also remove odour.
  • The nanoe-G and nanoe X functions can work independently without turning on the aircon function. Their electricity consumption is very minimal. Of course, they can also work when the aircon function is turned on at the same time.

Their differences:
  • Although both the XU-XKH series and XPU-XKH series have nanoe X module, the one in XU-XKH series is Generator Mark 2, which is able to produce 9.6 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second, while the one in XPU-XKH series is Generator Mark 1, which is able to produce 4.8 trillion hydroxyl radicals per second. Therefore, the nanoe X function in the X-Premium series is double effective than the one in X-Deluxe series.
  • Only the X-Premium series has iAUTO-X function, which can cool the air more faster.
  • Only the X-Premium series has humidity sensor, that lets the aircon keep the room humidity at below 60% level at night for better sleep quality.
  • The aerowings in X-Premium series have a new design that enable them to blow the cool air further more.

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