If you have any credit card issued by CIMB bank, including the Direct Access credit cards, and also have Toyota vehicle that you schedule for service/repair at authorized Toyota Service Centre, now you can enjoy their 0% interest Easy Payment Plan for payment above RM300.
Under the plan, if you spend above RM300 for your car service and/or repair with CIMB or Direct Access credit card at authorized Toyota Service Centre in Malaysia, you can opt for the credit card to charge you in 3 months installment with 0% interest. If the spending is above RM700, you can opt for 6 months installment with 0% interest.
This is particularly helpful if you want to do a major service (such as routine service + air-cond service), or major repair (which not claim from your car insurance).
NHTSA 推出全新自駕車規範框架,但透明度成焦點
1 day ago
this puchong branch looks impressive from the outside but the service still way below par. it takes more than 4 hours do do a service and they cannot meet their promised delivery time. if you have nothing better to do and just like wanna waste your time in life, you are welcome to service at the new puchong jaya service centre. as for me, this service centre is blacklisted!
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