Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Google Buzz: Facebook liked social networking feature in GMail

Hot news!

Google is currently introducing a Facebook liked new social networking feature called Google Buzz to their GMail users by phase.

If Google Buzz is already made available to your GMail account, you will see a new menu option named as "Buzz" right below "Inbox" of your GMail menu option list.

You can also access Google Buzz with your smart phone. The interface will be pretty much Twitter liked. The Buzz mobile application is currently available for Android, iPhone, etc. Just visit to in your phone's browser to install it.

Similar to Facebook and Twitter, you can post a short update about what you are doing or thinking in Buzz, and share it to your selected group of people.

When you see an update from your friend, you can make instant comment on them, which will appear on the Buzz screen of everyone else within the social circle.

You can also showcase and share videos, photos and Web links to interesting stories.

Here is a video introducing the features available in Google Buzz.

Click here to learn more about Google Buzz.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Asia Trader & Investor Convention (ATIC) @ KL 2010

The 5th annual Asia's largest trader and investor event, Asia Trader & Investor Convention (ATIC) 2010 is coming soon.

Date: 20-21 March 2010
Time: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, KLCC, Malaysia

It will feature more than 50 English and Mandarin investment seminars, 30 international and local renowned speakers, 40 exhibitors and 15,000-20,000 targeted investors.

Some of the feature speakers including:
  • Daryl Guppy - Founder & Director of
  • Alan Hull - Creator of the Hull Moving Average (HMA)
  • Alan Oliver - Private Trader
  • Dar Wong 黄达 - Founder of
  • Don Schellenberg - Founder of Master Money Traders
  • Benny Lee - Chief Market Strategist
  • Mark Laudi - CEO of Investor Central
  • Renesial Leong 梁彩桃 - Property Investor
  • G.M. Teoh - Technical Analyst
  • Dr. Jeffrey Chiew - Asia Chairman of IARFC
  • Carol Yip 叶凯蓉 - Founder of Abacus For Money
  • William Wermine - Fund Manager Rep
  • Chan Ai Cheng - General Manager of S.K. Brothers Realty
  • Stewart LaBrooy - Director of Axis REIT Managers Berhad
  • Alan Voon 温世麟 - CEO of Warrants Capital
  • Fred Tam - Principal Lecturer in CFTA at Open University Malaysia
  • Dr. Nazri Khan - Chief Technical Analyst of MIMB Investment Bank
  • Mirriam MacWilliams - Chief Trainer of Wealth Mentors Sdn Bhd
  • David Yuen - Teraoptions Management Sdn Bhd
  • David Lo Tuck Wye - Executive Director of HLG Futures Sdn Bhd
We see there are more lady speakers in this year than 2009.

This event is endorsed/supported by:
The early bird entry ticket for this 2 days event is no longer free as 2009, and is charging at RM18.00 (normal price is RM28.00).

Click here for more information about ATIC at KL 2010.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The sextuple constraint of scope, time, cost, quality, risk and resource

If you have been involved in any kind of project management, be it in business or personal, you might have known about the famous triple constraint of project management, with the following general formula:

Quality = f(Scope, Time, Cost)

It is a simple rule of concept that says:

  • To get the product with quality of your expectation, you have to at least plan carefully for the scope of work, time schedule and cost allocation.
  • In order to maintain the same quality, any change to one of the 3 factors will need an adjustment to the remaining 2 of them. The 3 constraints are inter-dependent.
  • If you want to adjust your quality expectation (either better or lower), then you can also adjust factors of scope, time and cost accordingly.
This is a very powerful concept commonly used during project planning, project monitoring and change management. It is used to assess the viability and to balance the trade-off factors.

For example, it is generally true that if you want to achieve a wide scope with little cost and time, you have to compromise on the quality expectation.

This triple constraint has been expanded to sextuple constraint in modern project management literature. They are: scope, time, cost, quality, risk and resource.
The risk factor is crucial because if it is not well managed, it will affect the other factors as well. Risk management comes in as preventive measure to safeguard the planned time schedule, cost, quality and resource allocated for the specific scope.

Resource is also an important factor. For example, with better resource on hand, you might be able to achieve the scope of quality with less time, cost and risk.

It is a good practise to always refer to the sextuple constraint for planning, managing and making changes to projects, so that our expectation is more realistic and success is viable.

You might want to use it in some of these projects which most of us will surely encounter during our life voyage:
  • Education planning
  • Wedding planning
  • Parenthood planning
  • Buying a house
  • House renovation and/or decoration
  • Travel planning
  • Retirement planning
  • ...
And of course, this is always applied to project management at work, including:
  • Software development
  • Building development
  • Business development
  • Operations planning
  • Change/Restructuring management
  • ...

    Hint: Click on the "Older Posts" link to continue reading, or click here for a listing of all my past 3 months articles.