Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mystery code "9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a" in US Cyber Command emblem cracked

The emblem/logo of newly established United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) has something unique from the emblems of other units in US Department of Defence (DoD).

If you look carefully, you will notice a ring of mystery code "9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a" along the inner gold ring of the emblem.

Over the past few days, this code has become the hot discussion in the Internet, and also well reported in the news media. By now, the code has been cracked.

It is the MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) cryptographics hash of US Cyber Command's mission statement, which is:

USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries.

In fact, the message above cannot be "decrypted" from the code itself, as MD5 is a kind of cryptographic hashing method instead of 2-way encryption. However, if you know the original text, you will get back the same code by hashing it with MD5.

One major use of MD5 is to verify the integrity of files and messages stored in the computer and/or transferred over the network. If the content is not the same from its origin, the MD5 code generated will be different. We call this unique verification code a "checksum".

Let's try yourself to generate the MD5 code for the above mission statement here. You can also try to crack it here. If you wonder how it can be cracked, just read the explanation on that webpage.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

2nd Investor Expo 2010 @ KLCC

Organized by ShareInvestor and Malaysian Investor Relations Association (MIRA) for the 2nd year after successfully held in 2008, Investor Expo 2010 that claimed to be one of the largest investment exhibitions in Asia is coming again.

Date: 17-18 July 2010 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am - 8pm
Venue: Exhibition Hall 5, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, KL
Admission: Free

Interesting topics and speakers includes:

  • "Malaysia's Economy - Sunrise or Sunset?" by Tan Teng Boo (陈鼎武) of Capital Dynamics
  • "Intelligent Investors DO NOT Buy Low, Sell High"by Tan Teng Boo (陈鼎武) of Capital Dynamics
  • "Stock Market Outlook - Rest of 2010" by Teoh Ghim Meng (G.M. Teoh)
  • "Harvesting Profits from Crude Palm Oil Futures"by Teoh Ghim Meng (G.M. Teoh)
  • "Roadmap to Financial Freedom" by Yap Ming Hui (叶明辉) of Whitman Independent Advisors
  • "Strategies to Make Consistent Profits in the Stock Market" by Adam Khoo
  • "Market Outlook - Double Dip or Sweet Spot?" by Lorraine Tan of S&P
  • Panel Discussion on "Malaysian Market Outlook vs. the World Market" with Lorraine Tan, Tan Teng Boo and Lee Cheng Hooi
  • "New Age Investing - What Works Today" by Terence Tan of Mastery Asia
  • "Understanding and Appreciating Investment-Grade Wines and En-Primeur Investing" by Chad Merchant of Premium Liquid Assets
  • "3rd Quarter Financial Year 2010 Market Outlook" by Chan Ken Yew of MIMB Investment Bank
  • "The Psychology of Investment" by Carol Yip of Abacus for Money
  • "The Right Mindset for Long Term Investment" by Ooi Kok Hwa
  • "The Magic of Property Investment" by Leow Yeow Ming of MasteryAsia
  • "Residential and Office Property Market Outlook 2010: Is the Malaysian Market in a Boom?" by Allan Soo
  • "Commercial and Retail Property Market Outlook 2010: Is the Malaysian Market in a Boom?" by Christopher Boyd
  • "Get Rich Quick Scheme" by Bank Negara Malaysia
  • and more...
Beside the free seminars, this event also features 40 exhibition booths, set up by both financial institutions and listed companies, functioning as a direct and effective platform for investors to grow their understanding of new and sophisticated investment vehicles.

See you there!

Click here to go to the official website of Investor Expo 2010.

Monday, July 5, 2010

How an automatic fire extinguisher can save your life

There are a great deal of benefits involved with having an automatic fire extinguisher. Whether it is for your home or office, it can certainly save your property and can also serve to save lives.

If you don't know what an automatic fire extinguisher is, it can be explained pretty quickly. Basically, it is an extinguisher or water sprinkler that is installed in the ceiling. Depending on the model of extinguisher, it is either turned on by heat, smoke or emissions.

These can be extremely useful in the case of a fire starting when no one is around, or even when the occupants of a house are asleep. They have served to save thousands of lives over the years on top of the millions of dollars in property.

But if you are thinking of installing an automatic fire extinguisher, you need to know what to look for.

First of all, you need to understand the classes of fires. Depending on the room that it is installed in, there will be a difference in the type of extinguisher that you need.

If you are installing one in a room filled with electronics then you will require a Class B or C automatic fire extinguisher. But if you are installing one in the bedroom, then you will likely only require a Class A. In order to make the proper decision, it is advisable to talk to a fire safety professional about your specific home or office. They will be able to advise you of the best and safest choice for your specific living conditions.

The main point of an automatic fire extinguisher is to keep the fire at bay until the proper personnel arrive on scene. Although, depending on the size of the fire, they can in fact serve to completely put it out. But in the case of a large fire, their purpose is to contain the fire and to ensure that it doesn't burn out of control.

Although they can be used in homes, they are most often found in large office buildings and warehouses. Especially in a working situation that has a high chance of a fire erupting.

One thing is for certain no matter what type of fire situation you find yourself in: if you don't know the different classes of fires, you are putting yourself in even more danger than is already presented.

Using some methods, such as water in a Class C fire can prove to be deadly. But water in fact works wonderfully in a Class A fire. Therefore, it is crucial to know exactly what kind of fire you are dealing with before taking the appropriate action. You want to make the fire less harmful, not more. And you certainly don't want to risk your life will trying to save your home or office.

Automatic fire extinguishers are proven to save countless lives every year. So if you think you could benefit from one, start the research process as soon as possible.

Disclosure: This is an original article contributed by Fire Protection Online Ltd exclusively for this website only.

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