The Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service has been talked about in Malaysia since 2005, and finally it is materialized by today!
With the MNP in place, mobile phone users, be it prepaid or postpaid, and regardless consumer plan or corporate plan, can now port from one mobile service provider to another, for example from Maxis to Digi, or Digi to Celcom, or Celcom to Maxis, and so on... but retaining the same mobile phone number as before, including the prefix number.
This is a good news to all of us, because with this MNP service, we can freely change to the mobile service provider that provides the best service, the best price, and/or the most features & benefits, without worrying about the change in mobile phone number anymore. Our relatives , friends, colleagues, customers, ... can still use the same mobile number to contact us, and the same number being used for banking services, online services, etc. can still be used.
Prepaid consumer plan users in Klang Valley can start porting from today (29 August 2008) onwards, while postpaid consumer plan users in Klang Valley can start enjoying the MNP service from 15 September 2008 onwards. A Nationwide Launch to cover the whole country and including business plan users as well, is planned to commence in October 2008.
To perform the porting, you need to apply with the new service provider, a maximum service fee of RM25 will be charged, and your service with existing service provider will be automatically terminated upon successful porting. All supplementary lines must port together with the principal account. Supplementary line that doesn't intend to port to new service provider must detach and register as primary line with the old service provider.
During the porting process, you can still enjoy the same mobile services as before. Only the International Roaming Service will be affected as this service will be suspended upon your porting request.
Click here for the FAQ document about the MNP service.
PETRA commits to 10,000 EV chargers by year-end
43 minutes ago
yeah. i think its a good solution
but i'll keep use this number for now. no need to change.
那就是当我们致电给某人的时候,再也不能辨别对方的service provider。
这是因为目前我国的service provider还不能做到统一通话费率。例如说hotlink prepaid user致电给其他网络用户的费率是39sen/min,但是digi致电给hotlink用户却不同费率。于是,当对方的号码是012但其实他是subscribe to 016,那么我们就很难estimate通话费用。届时,大家都傻傻分不清楚什么号码是maxis什么号码是celcome/digi。
其实现在新的 postpaid plan 大都采用统一收费了。
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