Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Aurora AS424C cross-cut paper shredder

I found this round of PIKOM PC Fair does not have much difference from last round in August 2009. In fact, the RAM module price has risen quite a lot. Things which have price drop are portable harddisk, GPS navigator, etc.

Anyhow, managed to bought myself an Aurora AS424C cross-cut paper shredder at the price of RM99. It looks small and cute, very portable and easy to carry. It is not so heavy too, weights only 2.3kg.

Its main purpose in my household will be to shred old statements of credit cards, bank slips, phone bills, etc. before disposal to dustbin.

It is able to feed in up to 4 pieces of A4 paper, folded. In fact, the papers need to be folded because the inlet length is shorter than A4 width.

Equipped with strong steel cutters, it shreds pretty fast and can even feed in small paper staples without problem. It is also able to awesomely shred credit card. But it is not designed to shred CD/DVD, and there are other higher end models (with higher price) which are able to do so.

This is the result after shredding. The stripes are actually not too fine, so if you shred vertically, can still read some words on the stripes. It is more advisible to shred the papers horizontally, so that the sentences will be cut into multiple stripes and rendered to be unreadable.

This shredder comes with some safety features, such as:
  • It will not start-up if the unit head is not placed properly in its translucent wastebasket.
  • It will auto switch off when its motor detected to be overheated due to long operation.
  • It has a REV switch to reverse the feeding and roll out the paper. You can still save the unshredded part.
At the cost of RM99 with 1 year warranty, I find this paper shredder good to have for lightweight usage at home.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Findings from Synovate PAX Survey 2009

In its 13 year, Synovate PAX Survey is the most comprehensive study of affluent group of elite adults in Asia Pacific region, which are from the higher income percentile of the society in the surveyed metropolitan areas.

The survey tracks media and digital consumption, prosperity, and influence across 11 markets from Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, to Australia. It is conducted year-round and Synovate spoke with 20,245 affluent consumers in Asia Pacific to get the 2009 results.

The table below shows the percentage of respondents in 5 of the surveyed metropolitan possess or answered "yes" to the corresponding items of interest.

The result reveals that:
  • Affluent consumers across Asia Pacific continued to spend even during the recession in 2008-2009.
  • Hong Kong respondents are still keen in the investment markets, with 51.2% invested in stock, bond and securities.
  • Meanwhile, only 16.8% of respondents from Kuala Lumpur invested in stock, bond and securities.
  • Online 10% of respondents from Kuala Lumpur enjoy a cultural lifestyle in live theaters and/or museums, and 51.6% will go to the cinema to watch (usually commercial) movies.
  • Media advertising doesn't seem to do well in gaining trust from the respondents. However, branding is pretty important as many prefer to buy well known brands (but surprisingly, not in the case of Hong Kong).
You might want to...
Download PAX 2009 Hong Kong factsheet (PDF 86Kb)
Download PAX 2009 Korea Fact Sheet (PDF 70Kb)
Download PAX 2009 Singapore factsheet (PDF 70Kb)
Download PAX 2009 Kuala Lumpur Fact Sheet (PDF 65Kb)
Download PAX 2009 Philippines Fact Sheet (PDF 65Kb)

Top 10 technology trends for 2010

The following are 10 most significant technology trends for 2010, based on a survey conducted by Ziff Davis Enterprise Research with almost 1,200 technology and business managers.

1. Green Computing and Energy Efficiency
It is observed that commitment has been greatly increased from 2009 to 2010 across IT manufacturers (in producing Green IT products), data centres and end-users.

2. Public and Private Cloud Computing
IDC expects spending on IT cloud services to grow almost threefold, reaching $42 billion by 2012.

3. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Beside server virtualization, VDI has begun to make inroads into the enterprise, but it is found to be more complex to implement than server virtualization. 2010 might be a turning point.

4. Mobility, Telecommuting and Virtual Meetings
With the vast penetration of mobile computing devices such as BlackBerrys, iPhones, netbooks, etc., concerted with the availability of higher wireless bandwidth, business nowadays has become more and more mobile in nature. Control and security are the main concerns though.

5. Centralization, Standards and Governance
This is something new in the list from 2009's, resulting from the alarm triggered from the “Great Recession” and increasingly fragmented computing resources.

6. Knowledge Sharing, Business Intelligence and Social Networking
No doubt Web 2.0 has transformed the landscape and made knowledge sharing a reality. Organizations start to recognize the tremendous value in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other services.

7. Security, E-Discovery and Business Continuity
There are growing need in this area, but cost remains a big issue.

8. Advances in Application Infrastructure
Open source has made its way and sustain its momentum, playing a more and more important role in today's computing world.

9. Investments in Hardware Infrastructure
Virtualization has brought the impact to hardware infrastructure consolidation. It is believed that Intel’s Nehalem processor (1st CPU optimized for virtualized environments) will accelerate the servers refresh cycle. Beside virtualization, Fibre Channel over Ethernet and solid-state drives are also stimulus to this trend.

10. Collaboration, Workflow and Productivity
The extension of productivity and workflow to the mobile environment is a huge trend. We are rapidly moving beyond e-mail into content and collaboration applications.

* The top 10 IT trends above are referenced from an article written by Samuel Greengard in the Baseline Magazine.

You might be interested to explore how the above have progressed from the Top 10 IT trends for 2009 I posted here about a year ago.

I observed that this 2010 trends is organically evolved from the 2009's list, and come closer to actual adoption, implementation and usage, as the technology matured.

Hint: Click on the "Older Posts" link to continue reading, or click here for a listing of all my past 3 months articles.