Today, there is a report in the Chinapress newspaper which provides us a set of figures about the Malaysian household monthly income distribution based on Household Income Survey (HIS) done in year 2007 by the Department of Statistics Malaysia. Here are the figures:
With the data above, we can derive the constituent of household by ethnic which has participated in the HIS 2007, as shown below. The percentage is pretty much in line with the ethnic group percentage of population of Malaysia.

And we can interprete the data in the table with a bar graph like this:
You can compare this graph with the one in my earlier article posted on 18 September 2008, which is based on data from a different source. With no surprise, they look very alike. The graph above is able to show more information. What can you see from it?
Remember there is another pie chart in my earlier article posted on 18 September 2008? You can compare it with this one which is based on our new set of data. They are pretty much the same, aren't they?
Now look at another graph to reveal more information. What can you see from it?
If you see each of the income group vertically, you can actually rank how each ethnic group performs for each of the income group. The Kadazan and Orang Asli have a big population in the lower income group, and very low percentage in the higher income group. Majority of the Chinese are in the 5k-10k income group.
You can also clearly see the "M shape" in the Chinese and Indian lines, and the formation of "M" in other ethnic groups can also be sensed.
What else can you see from the graphs above?
Hi , may i know where you get the charts from ? Thanks.
The charts above are produced by me based on data published by the Department of Statistics Malaysia.
This may be a delayed reply, but I am seeking the data for the charts above - somehow, the Department of Statistics do not have the above on sale, but merely the 2004/2005 data.
Any chance you could give me a lead on where you got this data i.e. the exact site?
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