Sunday, July 10, 2011

The 4 pillars of IT security management

When we talk about IT security, we have to ensure that all the following 4 areas are well covered and non are missed out:

  • Availability - information must be available and usable when required, and the systems that provide it can appropriate resist attacks and recover from or prevent failures.
  • Confidentiality - information must only observed by or disclosed to those who have the right to know, and well protected against unauthorized access and use.
  • Integrity - information must be complete, accurate and protected against unauthorized modification.
  • Authenticity - business transactions, as well as information exchanges between enterprises, or with partners, can be trusted

Information Security Management must consider the following 4 perspectives:
  • Organizational – well defined security policies and staff awareness of these
  • Procedural – well defined procedures used to control security
  • Physical – controls used to protect any physical sites against security incidents
  • Technical – controls used to protect the IT infrastructure against security incidents
Does the IT security of your organization has all these in place?

Who are the one afraid of BERSIH 2.0?

BERSIH 2.0 (a.k.a. Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections) is a civil coalition currently endorsed by 62 non-government organizations (NGO).

If you support BERSIH 2.0, you simply agree and support the following 8 demands to reform Malaysia's electoral processes:

  1. Clean up the electoral roll to address irregularities
  2. Reform postal voting
  3. Use indelible ink
  4. Establish a minimum campaign period of 21 days
  5. Ensure free and fair access for all political parties to the media
  6. Strengthen public institutions
  7. Get rid of corruption
  8. Put a stop to dirty politics
Yes, BERSIH 2.0 is about reformation, for the sake of goodness. Anyway, what's wrong with the word "reformation"? If certain party afraid of "reformation", how about using the word "transformation"? After all, the aim is to "change" to a better state.

It is ridiculous for certain parties, and their helpers/servants/bondmen/slaves to attempt to defame BERSIH 2.0 or to mislead people by tying BERSIH 2.0 with:
  • the opposition politic parties - well, the opposition can support BERSIH 2.0, so does the ruling one. Does BERSIH 2.0 rejected or unwelcome the ruling parties to be part of them in the first place?
  • communist - in my understanding, communists don't need election. It is more likely for those afraid of BERSIH 2.0 to be communist supporter instead.
  • troublemaker - well, in their eyes, BERSIH 2.0 is really a troublemaker for them. That's why they are so afraid.
Why they are afraid of BERSIH 2.0? Probably because they have totally no confident to win the game in a fair manner.

A student would not need to cheat in the exam if he/she has confident to pass. A worker would not worry about being sacked if he/she is ethical and well perform.

If you are afraid, you know you have weaknesses. The right way should be to reform/transform/adjust/correct your points of weaknesses, instead of fortify your weaknesses.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Updating Samsung Galaxy Tab from Android 2.2 (Froyo) to Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread)

Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) is available for Samsung Galaxy Tab now.

In order to perform the update using the "official" way, you need a computer installed with latest version of Samsung Kies.

Launch the Kies application in the computer, then connect your Samsung Galaxy Tab to it with the USB cable. Set the connection type to be "Samsung Kies".

Kies will detect the Samsung Galaxy Tab and automatically inform you the availability of Gingerbread update.

The process starts with downloading the update file to your computer.

After that, you are given a chance to backup your data in the phone to Kies. Although this update will not cause any data or setting lost to your Samsung Galaxy Tab, it is always a wise choice to perform a backup, just in case.

Then, your Samsung Galaxy Tab will be automatically rebooted into download mode, and the update file will be transferred from your computer to the Tab.

Once the transfer is completed, the update process will begin. Then, your Tab will be rebooted again. It will take some time during its first boot up after the update.

You will be advised by Kies to disconnect the USB cable, reboot the Tab again, then connect back the USB cable. Your computer will then update its USB driver to connect to your Tab with the new Android Gingerbread ROM.

Among the new things after this update are 2 new apps installed in your Tab, namely Sketch Memo and Pulse. Sketch Memo is a pretty handy app that worth a try, but it doesn't come with any widget, which I think it should.

Hint: Click on the "Older Posts" link to continue reading, or click here for a listing of all my past 3 months articles.