Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CDP Roadshow 2010: Your Knowledge Hub To Maximise Your Potential

For information, MSC Malaysia Capability Development Programme (CDP) is organising the "CDP Roadshow 2010: Your knowledge Hub to Maximise Your Potential" event.

Date: 7-8 April 2010
Time: 9am - 5pm
Venue: Cyberview Lodge, Cyberjaya

Renowned speakers including:

  • Howard Kendell (founder of Service Desk Institute)
  • Darrell Mann (CEO of FR Innovation Software Systems)
  • Saravanan Karumanan (Director of Organisational Consulting, Right Management Malaysia)
  • Dr. Dominic Lau (Director of Applied Research, UCSI Blue Ocean Strategy)
  • Simen Seow (Managing Director of Infospec)
  • A. Nathan (Senior Consultant of mfQ Asia)
  • etc. 
will discuss and share their knowledge in the areas such as:
  • Service Management
  • Blue Ocean Strategy
  • Risk Management
  • CMMI for Services
  • Workforce Management
  • Innovation
  • PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments)
  •  etc.

Click here for event agenda and more information about CDP Roadshow 2010.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

A small truth to make life 100%

Just to share with you the following interesting write-up...


is ciphered to

can we get the keyword to make life 100%?

Hard Work


= 98%



= 96%



= 54%



= 47%

(don't most of us think this is the most important???)

Then what makes 100%?

Is it Money? ... NO!!!


= 72%

Leadership? ... NO!!!


= 97%

Every problem has a solution, only if we
perhaps change our attitude.

To go to the top, to that 100%, what we
really need to go further... a bit more...



= 100%

It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work
that make OUR Life 100%!!!

People with the Right Positive Attitude will make a more efficient organization which will contribute towards a better society and a prosperous nation!

On the other hand, those with a Negative Attitude and blaming everybody else, will not only NOT solve the problem, but will likely make it worse.


Change Your Attitude...

And You Change Your Life!!!

Now that you know the answer...



Do not hesitate to click the SHARE button below!

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Friday, March 26, 2010

TM new High Speed Broadband (HSBB) UniFi packages

TM launched its High Speed Broadband (HSBB) service with brand name UniFi on 24 March 2010.

The UniFi network is an end-to-end all-fibre optic, all-Internet Protocol (IP) infrastructure being built by TM to replace their older copper based telecommunications infrastructure.

UniFi is a bundled triple play service offering High Speed Internet, HyppTV (IPTV) and Voice service. There are 3 available packages for residential consumer and 3 packages for business.

Consumer (residential) packages:
  • VIP5 - up to 5Mbps upload and download speed, RM149/month
  • VIP10 - up to 10Mbps upload and download speed, RM199/month
  • VIP20 - up to 20Mbps upload and download speed, RM249/month
There will be no installation and activation fee, no deposit, no Voice rental, and free equipments.

Product features:
  • HyppTV Channels including RTM1, RTM2, TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9, Hikmah, Bernama TV, Australian Network, BBC Knowledge, BBC Lifestyle, CBeebies, Channel News Asia, Channel V Taiwan, DWTV, Euronews, Fashion TV, STAR Chinese Channel, STAR Chinese Movies, Travel Channel, LUXE TV, etc.
  • Set-Top-Box
  • 1x Streamyx Zone ID
  • Dynamic IP address
  • 2GB email space
  • Call rates: free calls to TM fixed lines nationwide, flat rate 10 sen/min to all mobiles and other fixed lines nationwide, normal IDD rate
  • Free cordless phone
  • Premise Gateway with Wireless N
  • Fair Usage Policy (FUP): Maximum 60GB (VIP5), 90GB (VIP10), 120GB (VIP20) download per month
Click here for more information about UniFi residential packages.

These packages seem more attractive than their previously launched Blockbuster Deals.

Business packages:

  • BIZ5 - up to 5Mbps upload and download speed, RM199/month
  • BIZ10 - up to 10Mbps upload and download speed, RM599/month
  • BIZ20 - up to 20Mbps upload and download speed, RM899/month
There will also be no installation and activation fee, no deposit, no Voice rental, and free equipments.

Product features:
  • 1x Streamyx Zone ID
  • Dynamic IP address for BIZ5, fixed IP address for BIZ10 and BIZ20
  • 2GB email space
  • Call rates: 5 sen/min to TM fixed lines nationwide, flat rate 15 sen/min to all mobiles and other fixed lines nationwide, normal IDD rate
  • Free DECT cordless phone
  • Premise Gateway with Wireless N
  • Unlimited usage
  • 10GB Web Hosting Basic with customized domain name
  • 5GB e-Storage Basic
  • Service level guarantee
Click here for more information about UniFi business packages.

Currently, UniFi only available in limited Klang Valley areas including Bangsar, Shah Alam, Subang and Taman Tun Dr. Ismail. Click here to check the UniFi roll out schedule to your area.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Top 10 IT priorities for 2010

In January 2010, CIO Magazine has conducted a survey among CIO.com visitors to gauge which technology areas IT professionals plan to focus on, and received respond from 405 IT decision makers involved in buying technology products and services for their organizations.

The 6 pages exclusive research report reveals the top 10 areas of interest that IT decision makers care about in 2010 are:
  • Cloud computing
  • Business process management
  • Web 2.0 / social networking technologies
  • Desktop/client virtualization
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Analytics
  • Storage virtualization
  • Enterprise data management
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) and Web services
  • Collaboration technologies
Beside that, it is found that mobile and wireless applications are the most frequently cited technologies currently in production either enterprise-wide or on a division or business unit scale.

Click here to report the report of CIO Technology Priorities Survey (January 2010) for more detail.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Opera Mini 5 and Opera Mobile 10 stable version released

After quite a long beta period, finally the stable version of Opera Mini 5 and Opera Mobile 10 is now officially released.

For those who haven't tried the Opera web browser for mobile devices, you should test it out. It is free, and most of the time it provides much better browsing experience as well as surfing speed than the original web browser that comes with your handphone.

To download Opera Mini 5 or Opera Mobile 10 to your handphone, simply make a visit to http://m.opera.com/ with your handphone, and the automated download and installation process should be initiated.

Opera Mini 5 is available on all Java-based handphones. Opera Mobile 10 is available on Windows Mobile and Symbian S60-based smartphones.

Here is how the new Opera Mini 5 screen looks like in my Sony Ericsson P1i.

And here is how this blog looks like when browsed with Opera Mini 5 (landscape mode).

When you tab on any area, it will enlarge that region, then the text and pictures will be readable.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Air fresheners might contain toxic substances

Do you use air freshner in your office? living room? bedroom? toilet? car?

A report from the Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) organization titled "Foul-smelling whiff from air fresheners!" alerted that air fresheners do not "purify" the ambient air, but on the contrary pollute it by releasing well-known toxic substances.

The European Consumers' Organisation (BEUC) and 5 of its member organisations had tested on 76 air fresheners products, and found out many contain:

  • Formaldehyde and benzene - which could cause cancer in humans
  • Acetaldehyde or styrene - that irritates the respiratory tract, allergens and potential carcinogens
  • Toluene, chlorbenzene, glycol ethers, phthalates and artificial musk - all known to be dangerous to health
Not to mention all the other chemicals not assessed in this test and about which we know nothing.

These products represent a real risk to health not only of allergy sufferers, asthmatics, pregnant or nursing women and children, but also to anyone using them continuously.

As a result, it is advisable not to use air fresheners to avoid exposure to those toxic substances. Perhaps air ionizer is a better alternative.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Malaysia UKM students win 1st place in eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition

The 1st place winner of eVolo Magazine's Skyscraper Competition in 2010 has been awarded to 3 architecture students from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) - Chow Khoon Toong, Ong Tien Yee, and Beh Ssi Cze. Congratulation!

As a background, this annual Skyscraper Competition recognizes outstanding ideas that redefine skyscraper design through the use of new technologies, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organization.

This winning contest entry project examines the possibility of creating a vertical prison in the sky where inmates will have to work and live in a community that will contribute to the host city below. The prison will have agricultural fields, factories, and recyclable plants that will be operated by the offenders as a way to give back to the community. They will live “free” until they have completed their sentence and are prepared to rejoin their communities.

The vertical prison has its own transportation system which consists of different “pods” for officers, prisoners, firefighters, and other workers.

Click here to read more about the brilliant idea of Vertical Prison.

Also worth to mention is another Malaysian entry by architect Sarly Adre Bin Sarkum has also won the Special Mention prize in the same competition. His entry is "Water-Scraper: Underwater Architecture", which is a self sufficient structure designed to float on the ocean.

Click here to read more about the unique design of Water-Scraper.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Edge Investment Forum on Real Estate 2010

Once again, The Edge and UOB Bank are organizing a real estate investment forum in Kuala Lumpur. This year, the theme is: "To buy or not to buy: Where to put your money?". Readers of The Edge can register now for free.

Date: 10 April 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 9am - 1pm
Venue: Sime Darby Convention Centre, Bukit Kiara, KL

Interesting topics of discussion:
  • Malaysian property market outlook in 2010 - Is the picture clearer?
  • Valuation creation in property investment
  • Panel discussion on "Property, REITs or property stocks?"
Lucky participants will walk away with Ho Chin Soon research maps worth RM2,000 each.

Click here for more information and online registration to The Edge Investment Forum on Real Estate 2010.

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Are you born to be a billionaire?

The Sunday Star dated 14 March 2010 reveiled an interesting finding from their "So you want to be a millionaire?" survey with YouthSays and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), which polled 1,678 people below the age of 30 thoughout Malaysia.

The finding: 96% of the respondents aspire to become millionaires, and 75% of them believe that they can achieve it by the age of 35! Wow!

If you haven't read about the report, here is the online version:

Anyhow, the first question to all millionaire wannabes is: Are you willing to pay the price to make millions (or even billions).  

Here is a list of 13 self-assessment questions in a Forbes' article:
  • Why Go Big at All? - What and where are your long-term goals?
  • Can You See Around Corners? - What and where are your visions?
  • Can You Tolerate and Manage Ambiguity? - Are you able to see through a jungle of conflicting data?
  • Do You Prize Independence?
  • Do You Have the Guts to Double-Down?
  • Are You Inspired by Creativity or More Process-Oriented?
  • Are You Willing to Make Tough Decisions For the Growth of the Company?
  • Do You Like Speaking in Public?
  • Are You a Consensus-Builder?
  • Can You Delegate?
  • If You Say You Need it On Your Desk By 9am, Will it Get Done? 
  • Can You Work on Christmas?
  • Can You Deal with Isolation? 
    For more explanation of each of the items above, please click here to read about the "Are You Born To Be A Billionaire?" article in Forbes' website.

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    Sunday, March 14, 2010

    The Top 10s in Universities Ranking on the Web (Jan 2010 Edition) by Webometrics

    By now, results of SPM, STPM, GCE, UEC, etc. should have been released, and it is time for those secondary school graduates who want to further their study to look for university.

    Tertiary education requires a lot of cost, several years of your lifespan, have material impact to your ideology, and might be an important factor for your career path. Therefore, it is important to choose the university wisely, and a worldwide universities ranking can be a good indicator for you.

    The Webometrics World Universities' Ranking has coverage to more than 18,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. It summarizes the global performance of the university, provides information for candidate students and scholars, and reflects the commitment to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

    It is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), part of the National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.

    Now, let's see some of the Top 10s from the results of Webometrics' Jan 2010 Edition of Universities Ranking.
    Top 10 country/political region for tertiary education:

    • 1. United States
    • 2. United Kingdom
    • 3. Germany
    • 4. Canada
    • 5. Taiwan
    • 6. Sweden
    • 7. Spain
    • 8. Japan
    • 9. Brazil
    • 10. Netherlands
    Click here to see the Top 45 ranking and more information about the Webometrics Country Scoreboard.

    So, if you are Human Resource or manager in your company going to interview candidates graduated from one of the country/political region above, go ahead and challenge them with tougher questions. If they passed, offer them a higher pay.

    World's Top 10 Universities:
    • 1. Harvard University
    • 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    • 3. Stanford University
    • 4. University of California Berkeley
    • 5. Cornell University
    • 6. University of Washington
    • 7. University of Minnesota
    • 8. Johns Hopkins University
    • 9. University of Michigan
    • 10. University of Wisconsin Madison
    All in the Top 10 are from the United States.

    Click here to see the Top 8000 Universities of the world.

    Top 10 Universities in Asia:
    • 1. University of Tokyo, Japan (38)
    • 2. Kyoto University, Japan (52)
    • 3. National Taiwan University, Taiwan (63) 
    • 4. University of Hong Kong (128)
    • 5. Chinese University of Hong Kong (130)
    • 6. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (133)
    • 7. Keio University, Japan (136)
    • 8. National University of Singapore (146)
    • 9. National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (153)
    • 10. Nagoya University, Japan (161)
    The number in the brackets above is their respective World Ranking.

    Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in Asia.

    Top 10 Universities in South East Asia:
    • 1. National University of Singapore (146)
    • 2. Kasetsart University, Thailand (229)
    • 3. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (338)
    • 4. Mahidol University, Thailand (381)
    • 5. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (398)
    • 6. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (468)
    • 7. Chiang Mai University, Thailand (478)
    • 8. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (562)
    • 9. Khon Kaen University, Thailand (567)
    • 10. Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (661)
    What? None from Malaysia? Well, the 11th is Universiti Putra Malaysia (686).

    Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in South East Asia.

    Top 10 Universities in Malaysia:

    • 1. Universiti Putra Malaysia (686)
    • 2. Universiti Sains Malaysia (725)
    • 3. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (733)
    • 4. University of Malaya (778)
    • 5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (985)
    • 6. Universiti Teknologi Mara (1367)
    • 7. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (1413)
    • 8. Universiti Utara Malaysia (1454)
    • 9. Multimedia University (1528)
    • 10. International Islamic University Malaysia (1576)
    Click here to see the universities and colleges ranking of Malaysia

    Are you graduated from one of the world class universities/colleges? Some fresh graduates find it difficult to get a job. It could be due to few years back, they've made an unwise decision and studied in a low ranking university.

    While some might want to argue that university ranking like this could be subjective, the employment market, locally or globally, will eventually reflect the reference value of the ranking system.
    Click here to go to the homepage of Webometrics website.

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    Saturday, March 13, 2010

    eDividend to replace cheque and direct credit dividend entitlements into our bank account

    Starting from 19 April 2010, investors in KLSE can opt to receive dividend payments from public listed companies in the form of eDividend instead of the traditional way of receiving dividend cheques.

    This will bring convenient to share investors using direct trading account(s), although doesn't make much different to those using nominee account(s).

    Common problems such as delay receipt of dividend cheque, lost cheque, cheque expired, etc. will be eliminated, as dividend payment will be directly credited into our bank account if we've applied for this eDividend service. After the money is banked in, we will receive eNotification via email and/or SMS.

    We can register for eDividend with our stock broker. There will be no cost incurred if we apply for eDividend within the period from 19 April 2010 until 18 April 2011.

    The following are needed when applying for eDividend:

    • Fill up a 3-ply eDividend form, and provide info about our bank account number, email, mobile number, etc.
    • Copy of bank statement
    • Copy of NRIC / Passport / Authority Card
    The registration process of eDividend is as follow.

    And the eDividend payment flow is as follow.

    All companies listed in KLSE who announce a books closing date for dividend entitlements on or after 1 September 2010 are required to pay dividends via eDividend to their shareholders who have registered for this service.

    Click here for more information about eDividend.

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    Thursday, March 11, 2010

    Tan Teng Boo will conduct 2 seminars, 1 for fundamental analysis, 1 for technical analysis

    You might be awared that Mr Tan Teng Boo (陈鼎武), the founder and key person of iCapital and Capital Dynamics, is going to conduct 2 seminars, 1 for fundamental analysis, 1 for technical analysis, together with his team.

    Seminar 1: Understand Economic Indicators, Invest Successfully

    Date: 10 April 2010 (Saturday)
    Time: 8am- 5pm
    Venue: Renaissance Kuala Lumpur

    "Where is the global economy heading? Is China on the verge of a collapse? Will global interest rates keep rising? How will it impact currencies, economic growth and stock markets?"

    "The comprehensive seminar will explain the methodology used for various economic indicators and their interpretation. It will look at the current economic structures and sources of growth of the US, China, Eurozone, Japan, Australia, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as their distinctive individual characteristics. The vital economic indicators of each economy will be presented and their implications explained."


    • Gross Domestic Product
    • Consumer Price Index
    • Money Aggregates
    • Balance of Payments
    • Producer Price Index
    • Money Supply
    • Performance of Manufacturing Index
    • Performances of Construction Index
    • Index of Commodity Prices
    • Performance of Services Index
    • Leading Indicator of Employment
    • International Trade in Goods and Services
    • Interest Rates
    • Building Approvals
    • Business Indicators
    • Inflation
    • Real Estate Index
    • Retail Sales
    • Bank Lending
    • New Auto Sales
    • Tourist Arrival
    Seminar 2: Understand Technical Analysis, Trade Successfully

    Date: 11 April 2010 (Sunday)
    Time: 8am- 5pm
    Venue: Renaissance Kuala Lumpur

    "Whilst many are sidelined, some savvy traders and investors are profiting handsomely from this volatility. To trade successfully, you must understand the risk return relationship and have the discipline to follow trading rules. Not just any arbitrary rules, but proven ones from knowing technical analysis and chart formations."

    Click here for more information, pricing and registration form for the 2 seminars of Tan Teng Boo.

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    Sunday, March 7, 2010

    Have you activated your free complimentary Purchase Protection Plan for MasterCard?

    If you are holding any MasterCard credit card issued in Malaysia, here is a good news to you.

    MasterCard now offers their credit card holders a free complimentary Purchase Protection Plan (PPP), underwritten by Chartis Malaysia Insurance Berhad (CMI, formerly known as AIG General Insurance (M) Berhad).

    This policy insures against loss or damage of your Personal Property / Items purchased (either locally or overseas) with your MasterCard credit card, in the event of Theft, Burglary, Robbery and Accidental Damage within 30 days from the date of items purchased.

    The coverage is as follow.

    Classic/Gold/Titanium/Premium/Platinum credit cards:

    • Limit for Any One Occurrence: RM1,500
    • Annual Aggregate Limit: RM7,500
    • Limit for Any One Occurrence: RM1,500
    • Annual Aggregate Limit: RM10,000
    All you need to do is to activate the plan by sending an SMS to 36660 (refer to their website or advertisement in newspaper for detailed instruction) or telephone to 1300-80-2988 within office hour. The plan is valid for 1 year from the policy effective date. No premium is payable as this plan gives you 12 months complimentary coverage.

    This is the SMS I got after I sent my activation SMS to 36660.

    Imagine that you are so unluckly to be robbed a few minutes after you bought a jewelry with your credit card; or you accidentally dropped a newly purchased camera / handphone / laptop. Now at least you can get the compensation from this Purchase Protection Plan. And since it is free, there is nothing to lose to activate it.

    Click here for more information about the free Purchase Protection Plan for MasterCard.

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    Transforming my Streamyx & TM Homeline to Blockbuster Deals package

    TM has recently launched their Blockbuster Deals package promotion, which seems to be attractive for us to get more at less cost.

    This might be their respond to the market, after facing fierce competition from the mobile 3.5G and Wimax telcos. Like Chinese says: "you'll get improvement when you have competition" (有竞争才有进步), glad to see that over the years, TM and Streamyx has improved from their previous lousy service, in terms of broadband quality and speed, as well as better pricing for voice and Internet.

    Let's see what we can get from this Blockbuster Deals package promotion:
    • Zero charge on phoneline rental
    • Free unlimited calls to TM fixed line nationwide
    • Flat rate of 10 sen/min to all mobile and other fixed line nationwide
    • Free DECT phone
    • Free WiFi modem
    And here is how the pricing structure like.

    Although there is a contract period of 1 year, it is still an attractive deal, isn't it?

    For those that don't need Streamyx broadband service, there is also a voice-only deal with 6 months contract period. I wonder who will be interested in this, but this plan is much better than the previous Let's Talk plan.

    Click here for more information about the TM Blockbuster Deals.

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    Saturday, March 6, 2010

    Done my comprehensive health screening @ Golden Horses Health Sanctuary

    Today I've done my comprehensive health screening together with my wife at Golden Horses Health Sanctuary(GHHS) inside the Palace of the Golden Horses.

    Seems like both of us need to reduce some of our body fat to make it fall back to the "normal range" from the current slightly high side.

    Few years back, we joint the membership of this health screening programme at the price of RM5,000 and entitiled to use some of the Country Heights' facilities (such as swimming pool, gym, etc.) and 20 years of annual health screening service at the cost of RM3xx per year.

    This is a really comprehensive health examination. The result of the following 99 items are included in my report:
    • General inspection (10 items)
    • Ophthalmic inspection (8 items)
    • Physical examination (11 items)
    • Electrocardiogram (ECG) (1 item)
    • Hearing inspection (2 items)
    • Pulmonary function inspection (3 items)
    • Hematology profile (15 items)
    • Blood group (2 items)
    • Diabetic screening (1 item)
    • Lipids profile (6 items)
    • Liver function (9 items)
    • Renal function profile (5 items)
    • Calcium, phosphorus and iron (3 items)
    • Gout screening (1 item)
    • Hepatitis B screening and other serology test (3 items)
    • Arthritis screening (1 item)
    • Thyroid profile (2 items)
    • Cancer screening (2 items)
    • Urinalysis (12 items)
    • Chest X-Ray (1 item)
    • Ultrasound abdomen and pelvis (1 item)
    My wife's report contains even more items, including ultrasound on breast and pap smear test.

    We are given free voucher (transferable) to conduct bone test, recommended for people above 45 years old. As we are still at our young age, we plan to transfer the entitlement for the bone test to our parents.

    It is a good practice to conduct comprehensive health screening to our body, so that if there is any health distortion, can be detected and rectified at early stage. We can also enjoy an income tax relief of up to RM500 per year for complete medical examination like this.

    So, have you done yours?

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    Friday, March 5, 2010

    EPF declared 5.65% dividend for 2009

    Few hours ago, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF, a.k.a. KWSP) has just declared the dividend  rate for financial year 2009 to be of 5.65%, which is considered higher than the expectation of most financial analysts and general public.

    This is not too bad, compared to the low rate of 4.5% in FY 2008.

    With this dividend rate, it seems that those who have withdrawn their EPF Account II savings to reduce their housing loan during 2009 might be regreted to do so, as the effective mortgage rate is generally lower than 5.65% in 2009, due to a lower BLR rate along the year.

    Anyhow, this rate is still lower than my personal investment return rate in 2009, therefore I need not regrete to opt for 8% EPF contribution instead of 11% for year 2009-2010. You might have a clue of which shares I invested in by reading my Investment related articles here, particularly those written in 2009.

    Also, this rate is lower than the return I got from the unit trusts I bought with MAAKL Mutual by using part of my EPF Account I savings. Begining from the month of June, I had made 3 such EPF withdrawals during 2009 to invest in unit trust funds in MAAKL Mutual.

    Although the commission rate of buying unit trusts with EPF Account I withdrawal is set at 3%, I still find it pretty expensive, compared to the fees of buying share directly in KLSE through the stockbroker. Luckily it still provides a better return than the 5.65% of EPF, so seems like I have made a good try.

    How about you? Are you happy with the 5.65% rate you got from EPF in 2009? Or not satisfied and demand for more?

    Click here to read the official announcement from EPF, and the investment structure of EPF in 2009, etc.

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    Russia to produce UFO alike flying saucers able to carry 11,000 people?

    There is an interesting news from Russia that a company called LocomoSky in their Ulianovsk of Volga is carrying out a government funded project to produce a bizarre hybrid of helicopter and aerostat, UFO alike "flying saucers".

    The prototype, named "aerostatic thermoballasted vehicle" or simply "Locomoskayner" after its manufacturer, was presented in the MAKS-2009 International Aviation and Space Salon air show in Russia recently.

    This prototype flying saucer was 23 feet in diameter, and was claimed to be able to transport 20 kg of cargo.

    The company, however, plans to produce aircraft with a cargo-carrying capacity of up to 600 metric tons or a passenger capacity of up to 11,000 people.

    Having low fuel consumption as compared to ordinary aircraft due to its aerodynamic form, the flying saucer will be able to hover, perform a vertical landing, move in a straight line with speeds close to 100 km/h, turn around, and most importantly, need no special ground-based facilities to land.

    With its special flying characteristics and superb loading capacity, it will be able to transport out-sized cargoes to remote and inaccessible areas.

    Let's see whether this dream will come into reality in the very near future.

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    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    5th Malaysia International Dive Expo (MIDE) 2010

    If you are a fan of underwater diving or interested in this kind of activity which lets you explore into the beautiful, attractive and scenic world under the sea, be informed that the Malaysia International Dive Expo (MIDE), which is the biggest dive expo in Asia-Pacific region, will be held in Kuala Lumpur again for its 5th time.

    Date: 30 July - 1 August 2010
    Time: 10am - 7pm
    Venue: Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
    Admission: free

    Activities in the expo includes:
    • Dive photo competition & winners gallery
    • Seminar & talks
    • Workshop & training programme
    • Children colouring contest
    • Exhibition with 150 exhibitors

    Click here for more information about the 5th MIDE 2010.

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    Tuesday, March 2, 2010

    JobStreet.com Malaysia Career & Training Fair (MCTF) 2010

    The 9th Malaysia Career & Training Fair (MCTF) to be organized by JobStreet.com is coming soon. This event is freely open for public.

    The previous MCTF 2009 had successfully attracted participation from more than 108,500 job seekers and over hundred of exhibitors. This year, they are targetting for 120,000 visitors.

    The event details are as follow:

    Date: 16-18 April 2010
    Time: 10am ~ 7pm
    Venue: Mid Valley Convention Centre (KL)

    Job seekers are advised to bring along their C.V., and some of the exhibitors might conduct on the spot interview with suitable candidates during the event.

    The 12th Post Graduate Education Fair (PGEF) 2010 will also be held at the same time and adjacent venue in Mid Valley Exhibition Centre together with this MCTF '10.

    Click here to visit the official website of MCTF 2010.

    Click here to see the exhibition floor plan of  MCTF 2010.

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    Post Graduate Education Fair (PGEF) 2010

    The 12th Post Graduate Education Fair (PGEF) will be organized by AIC this coming April 2010. The event is freely open to public.



    PGEF 2010 will be taking over the entire Mid Valley Exhibition Centre with more than 100 exhibitors from various countries including Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, United States of America, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, India and of course, Malaysia.

    The event details are as follow:

    Date: 16-18 April 2010
    Time: 10am ~ 7pm
    Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (KL)

    The 9th Malaysia Career & Training Fair (MCTF) 2010 will also be held at the same time and adjacent venue together with this PGEF '10.

    Click here for more information about PGEF 2010.

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