Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2015

Many couples plan for their wedding more than 1 year ahead in order to have sufficient preparation time.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2015 (year of Goat), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

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Kelvin said... Reply To This Comment


May I know how you calculate the dates?if I am not wrong, the tong shu for 2015 is not out yet. Thanks!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Just follow the cycles.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, I am looking at 1 Aug 2015 as it is our anniversary date. May I know if it is okay? Which zodiac does it clash with according to Tongshu?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Melanie Love

1 August 2015 should be OK for marriage, although not particularly auspicious.

It will clash with Rabbit.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment


my bf and I plan to have our wedding on 30/5/2015.
My bf is dog while I am tiger. However, I heard that May and June clash with the so called "dragon month" and it will be bad for dog. A wedding after september will be better. Is that true?

Please reply asap

Elo said... Reply To This Comment

Hi. We are planning to get married on either Dec 6 or Dec 19, 2015. Will it be an auspicious date for those born under the signs of Boar(Male) and Ra(Female) and if there's conflict is there a way to mitigate this?

Thanks in advance.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

hi, may i know if the 2016 dates are available? thks.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Yes. Do you have a date in your mind?

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Hi my fiancee is an ox and I am a dragon and we are looking to get married on a Saturday during Eastertide of 2015 or 2016. The dates for 2015 would be 4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9 and for 2016 would be 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30. I know that the number 4 is unlucky in general but I see many dates in April in your chart so I hope April isn't completely out. Could you please help us find the best and worst dates out of those to get married?

Thank you!!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Dorothy Lu

Hi. Personalized date picking service will require more information as well as a fee.

Click the Contact Me icon on this page to reach me.


Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi my fiancee is born on 26/08/1988 (Dragon) and I am born on 25/01/1987, we are planning to get married next year. Which Saturday would be the best day to get married for us? Looking at the months After May :)

Thanks so much!

Donkey said... Reply To This Comment

My fiancé is a rabbit born in jun 1975, I'm a rooster female born oct 1981, is 2nd may 2015 an auspicious day for us to get married? Thank you.

Jun said... Reply To This Comment

My fiancé and I are planning for the tea ceremony and reception of bride on 24 May 2015. It looks like According to the calendar is an auspicious date. But what about the auspicious time? Is there a time where the bride need to be back to my place? Can my future bride arrive my place after 11am?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Auspicious times for 24 May 2015:

12am - 1am
5am - 7am
3pm - 5pm

viviene said... Reply To This Comment

Is 5/15/15 auspicious for Rabbit bride and Ram/Monkey groom? Thanks!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Would 8/8/15 work for a dragon and rat to marry?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Valerie Palmer


Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment



Jen.h said... Reply To This Comment

Hi there what does it mean under exception with the horoscope? Does that mean if your horoscope is listed there then it isn't a good day? So it clashes

Jen.h said... Reply To This Comment

Just checking so my partner is a monkey and I am a rat, is the 21st of march 2015 ok? Thanks

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Yes. Exactly.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment



Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, My fiancé and I planned on getting married in the month of March next year (2015). He's a tiger and I'm a goat. He's Zodiac is Pisces and I'm a Taurus. Could you please help us in picking out an auspicious wedding date thats the most compatible for both our signs and zodiac. Thank you in advance.

Karina said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, we are planning to get married in the Uk on 12th Sept 2015. I am a monkey and he is a snake. Is that a problem? What time is the best? Also our hk banqueting is on the 27th Oct or 29th oct? Is that ok? ( according to your calculation, 28th oct 2015 is a black day for wedding). Many thanks,


Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Matet Quemada

Please refer to the table in the main article above.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


12 September 2015 is an inauspicious day.

29 October 2015 is also an inauspicious day.

27 October 2015 is a good day to meet up with friends and relatives.

Karina said... Reply To This Comment

How about 19th Sept 2015 for marriage for us?

12th Sept 2015 is not an Inauspicious day in table above. Is it because of our zodiac sign?



Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


19 September 2015 is an auspicious date for marriage.

12 September 2015 is a generally inauspicious date (诸事不宜).

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Hi - we want to get married on Jan 17. We are both dogs, but do we have to take into account our parents' animals when selecting a wedding date? They are rat (mothers), ox and pig (fathers).

As dogs, is there a big difference between getting married in January on a good date (year of the horse) instead of 14 March (year of the goat)?


Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


17 Jan 2015 is inauspicious to boar.

14 March 2015 is a better date for your family.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment


Ah I see - thanks for clarifying that!

So if we changed our wedding date to 10 January 2015, is there much difference between 10 Jan 2015 (year of the horse) and 14 March 2015 (year of the goat) if we are dogs?

We've heard that the year of the goat is a bad year for dogs and the year of the horse is a better year for dogs, particularly in romance.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Not much impact.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

hi, planning to get married on 12/5/2015 or 12/06/2015, are these auspicious days for the ff zodiac signs?
groom: dragon
bride: snake
bride father: dog
bride mother: horse
groom mother: pig

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

if the date we wanted is not in auspicious and also not in the inauspicious date...can we proceed? we looking at 15th may 2015, im Ox and my fiance is tiger~ thank you~

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Marilyn Lim

15 May 2015 should be OK.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

I (Horse) and my gf (Dog) , would like to get married on 08 March 2015, would the date be ok for us to get married?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@furancis che

Should be OK.

iiop said... Reply To This Comment


My bf is Rooster and I'm Rat. Could you please help me check if 27 June 2015 is a good date? Thanks.

bellezao4 said... Reply To This Comment

Hi my bf is a monkey n I m a rat we plan to marry 6th sept 2014 but will held the reception on the 7th mar 2015
Is that okay

bellezao4 said... Reply To This Comment

Can we hold the ceremony in the morning

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment
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Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Hi there!
My fiance and I are both rabbits.
Bride born: Nov. 11, 1987
Groom born: Feb. 12, 1987
Can you please tell me the auspicious dates for July and August 2016? We would prefer a Saturday in August.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Christine Nguyen

For July 2016:

For August 2016:

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

My fiancé (Sheep Groom: 06/30/79) and I (Rat Bride: 05/29/84) are planning a wedding 06/15/15 with a 3pm central time ceremony. Is that a good date and time?

sepirot said... Reply To This Comment
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sepirot said... Reply To This Comment

My Bride-to-be is a Rabbit (11/27/87) and I'm a Dragon (09/21/88).. we are initially setting our marriage date on June 27, 2015. Will this date be auspicious?

CJJS said... Reply To This Comment

Hi. I am a metal monkey (06/11/80), and my partner is a dog (07/08/82). Me, Scorpio, him, Leo. We have our wedding booked for Sat 19th Sept 2015, but only because we thought the 12th was taken. We probably would have gone for the earlier date if we had known it free. We now have the opportunity to switch to the Sat 12th, but am unsure what the best thing to do is. I guess from your comments and the chart above we should stick to the 19th, 2pm. What are you thoughts on this?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


19 September 2015 is a better day than 12.

sepirot said... Reply To This Comment

My Bride-to-be is a Rabbit (11/27/87) and I'm a Dragon (09/21/88).. we are initially setting our marriage date on June 27, 2015. Will this date be auspicious? What other dates in the month of June and July 2015 that are auspicious for us?

Anon Chua said... Reply To This Comment
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Anon Chua said... Reply To This Comment

My brother is a tiger and his fiancé is a snake. They're intending to get married on 30 May 2015. Does the zodiac of the parents matter in the choosing of the date?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Anon Chua

The main impact is on the bride, then the groom, then the parents.

Anon Chua said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you for your response. So if the parents is showing as one of the exceptions, they shouldn't pick it?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, does the clash zodiac has any impact on the bridesmaid / bestman? Eg. one of the bridesmaid is a dragon, but the wedding date itself is clash with dragon.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Francesca Hongdiharto

It will be mild.

Winnie said... Reply To This Comment


Would like to check what are the available dates for 2016 weekend (between March - June).

Couple: Ox & Dragon
Parents: Monkey, Goat, Horse, Snake (deceased)

Thank you.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment


Hi my fiancee is born on 26/08/1988 (Dragon) and I am born on 25/01/1987, we are planning to get married next year. Which Saturday would be the best day to get married for us? Looking at the months After May :)

Thanks so much!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi my fiancee is born on 26/08/1988 (Dragon) and I am born on 25/01/1987(Tiger), we are planning to get married next year. is 30/5/2015 a good day?

Thanks so much!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, can I check with you is the Tong Shu for 2016 out yet? As the lunar calender cuts off at 21/11..Thanks alot! :))

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, my fiance and I are planning a Saturday May 2015 wedding. We are both Tigers and Scorpios. Bride (11/02/1986) and Groom (10/31/1986). Can you please tell us the best days to get married. Thanks!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Is February 8, 2015 a good day for us to get married?
Bride-to-be's bday is July 13, 1986 (tiger)
Groom-to-be's bday is Feb. 7, 1985 (rat)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Francesca Hongdiharto

Auspicious times for 27 June 2015:

5am - 7am
9am - 11am
1pm - 3pm

Hill84 said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8,

Can I check if 24th April 2016 a good day for us to get married?
If not, which date in January 2016 good?

Bride to be DOB - 1st Sept 1989 (Snake)
Groom to be DOB - 24th April 1984 (Rat)

Much thanks in advance!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


24 April 2016 is not an auspicious date.

Auspicious dates for marriage in January 2016: 10, 13, 21, 24.

Hill84 said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you very much

just.jill said... Reply To This Comment
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just.jill said... Reply To This Comment
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Bryan Wong said... Reply To This Comment


Both me (20 sep 1988) and finance (16 July 1988) intend to get married on 19 Sep 2015. Is that a good date? We saw that is an exception date for both of us born in year of Dragon?

Can you kindly advice which are the dates suitable for both of us around that period?

Thank you very much!

Star said... Reply To This Comment

Please advise, is 27 June 2015 a good date for bride 20/02/1968 monkey
and groom 25/09/1965 snake
mother boar
father dog
son rooster
Thank you

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, I see that 10/1/15 is a good date here but some have advised that isn't a good date. Could you please advise if it's a good date for a boar and an ox? Thanks!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Yes, it is.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Yvonne Chan

Yes, it is.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

I would like to confirm that September 5, 2015 is a good date for us to get married. We are both rats.

Bride: February 3, 1985
Groom: June 26, 1984


Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8,

Can I check if 28th Feb 2016 a good day for us to get married?
If not, which date in Feb or March 2016 good?

Bride - 15th Nov 1990 (Horse)
Groom - 22th Oct 1988 (Dragon)

Thanks for your advice!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Jennifer Jennifer

28 February 2016 is neither auspicious nor inauspicious for marriage.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Hello :)
I have recently become engaged this month after eight years of being together, and was curious what an auspicious date would be for my fiancé and I to get married. We like the date October 17, 2015. Would that be a good date?
Bride: Fire Tiger
Groom: Wood Ox

jiayin ✰ said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, is Feb 8th or Feb 6th 2015 better for Ox & Dog?

Bobo102 said... Reply To This Comment

Hi. Is July 2015 ok for bride ox and groom pig. Thinking 21, 25, or 26th.

What is more important. The signing of legal documents or ceremony?


Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@jiayin ?

8 Feb 2015.

jiayin ✰ said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hello from Switzerland! First of all, thank you for your generosity and to help all of us to determine the good moments for our weddings.
I'm a Rat and my boyfriend is a Monkey. We want to get married in 2015. What are our auspicious dates in April, May and June?
Thank you so much and sorry for my english:-)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hello from Switzerland! First of all, thank you for your generosity and to help all of us to determine the good moments for our weddings.
I'm a Rat and my boyfriend is a Monkey. We want to get married in 2015. What are our auspicious dates in April, May and June?
Thank you so much and sorry for my english:-)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Ups, forgot to tell you:
Bride's birthday (me): 14.05.1984
My fiancé: 12.11.1980

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Rachel Na�k�

Please refer to the table in the main article above.

Star said... Reply To This Comment

Please can you advise the better date for:
Bride 20/02/1968 monkey
Groom 25/09/1965 snake
Son 21/12/1993 rooster
Mother boar
Father dog

June 2015 would 19, 22 or 27 be better.

Thank you for your help.

chuey said... Reply To This Comment


I am born on year of Tiger (1986) and my fiance is born on year of Dog (1982). We are thinking of getting married on 25 July 2015.
Is this an auspicious day for us both?


charissa said... Reply To This Comment
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charissa said... Reply To This Comment

What date would you recommend for:
Guy: 20 July 1978, horse
Girl: 19 June 1983, pig

Would 8 Aug 2015 be OK?

Thanks for your help and time!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment



Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment



Astratia said... Reply To This Comment

Hello :)
I have recently become engaged this month after eight years of being together, and was curious what an auspicious date would be for my fiancé and I to get married. We like the date October 17, 2015. Would that be a good date?
Bride: Fire Tiger (1986)
Groom: Wood Ox (1985)

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment



Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment


Is October 17, 2015 a good day for Rat (groom) & Dog (bride)?
Bride bday: Mar 1, 1982
Groom's bday: Jan 23, 1985

thank you for all your help!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment



Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyageur,

My question got missed above:

I would like to confirm that September 5, 2015 is a good date for us to get married. We are both rats.

Bride: February 3, 1985
Groom: June 26, 1984


Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

How do we contact you for a more personal reading? I need it done by tomorrow! Help, please!!!
Our son: 11/27/11(rabbit)
Groom: 07/28/77 (snake)
Me: 04/29/87 (rabbit)
What's the most auspicious time and date in Fall for our family?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Helen Vuong

Please refer to the table in the main article above.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

What does the lunar date mean?

neat888 said... Reply To This Comment

Hello, I wish to get married start of 2015..Male is Horse..Female is Rooster....is the date 24/2/2015 Auspicious...if not what date would you recommend ? Many thanks for your time :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment


1982 male dog
1987 female rabbit.

Which date is best around November/December 2015?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, me and my bf are both dragons born in 1988. We would like to get married on 19 Dec 2015. Is the date ok for us?
Thanks :)

Jordan Xie said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, bride is october 13, 1983 ( pig) and groom is october 8, 1982 (dog). is october 24, 2015 good for us because it is september in lunar calendar

Thank you

Jordan Xie said... Reply To This Comment

october 3rd is not listed as auspicious but would it work for me and the bride?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Jordan Xie

3 October 2015 is an inauspicious date.

Jordan Xie said... Reply To This Comment

is lunar july really bad for marriage? some older chinese folks say dont do it but i see u have some auspicious dates in lunar july

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Can someone please explain to me what the column "exception" a specific animal in it means? for example May 2 then under "exception" there is a monkey! please help

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Jordan Xie

Tong Shu does not have such saying.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Jc Production

It means "except for..."

marny said... Reply To This Comment

Hi just want to check the best weddung date on december 2015 for
Bride 5 nov 1978
Groom 9 dec 1979. Thanks.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

People still believe in this kind of thing? What about just get married whenever you want, and then you get to decide how your marriage will turn out to be by the way you treat each other?
You treat each other well, then your marriage will last, otherwise it won't. It is that simple!
The only reason there's a good date or a bad date is if you're having an outdoor wedding, you want to make sure it's not raining on the day. That's it!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, can I check if it matters about the clash with our immediate siblings? We just need to take into consideration our parents and our own zodiac right? Look forward to your reply.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Priscilla Yew

and also groomsmen and bridesmaid.

Natalie C. said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8,

Can I check with you the wedding date for 2015?

Bride - 25/02/1985 (cow)
Groom - 16/12/1983 (boar)

Many thanks!

Fen said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8!

Seeking your advice on the solemnization date for 2015:
21 June or 26 July, which is better for us?
Groom - Monkey, 29/12/1980. Parents are Tiger and Dragon
Bride - Rat, 10/11/1984. Parents are Boar and Cow.

Thank You!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi. Before i check the auspicious date, we planning our wedding on 19 Sep 2015 which the lunar date on 7/8. But im Dragon and the exception zodiac is Dragon. So sad. We suppose to married on Sep. :'(

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Sorry, I have plan to wedding on next year in April, but i have some point can't understand clear about ur calendar. Thus could I have some explanation for date 04.04.15?Then I want to choose on 11.04.15, how about that day?

MaGGie said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, my bf (horse) & I (dragon), would like to get married on 22Aug2015, is this a good date? Please advise, thank you!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hello my birthday is 4-20 fiances is 2-15 both year 1989 we both wanna spring butterfly wedding with no rain as it'll be outdoors is 4-18-15 a good date

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hello, I would like to know what date in December is best for year of the Dog. Girl(4/15/1982) Boy(1/12/1983)
Thank you

betsy said... Reply To This Comment

can you put up dates for singing documents / marriage registry? thank you.

Patobe said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Master, is Jan 18, 2015 an auspicious date for registration of marriage for my daughter (31/7/78) & boyfriend (4/3/74). Besides is there any other auspicious dates of weekends in Jan 2015.

Thank you.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager

We planning to have tea ceremony & wedding dinner on 19/09/2015. Will this be a good date then? If not please advise, preferably on Saturday in September/October 2015. Can you please advise the auspicious time for groom to reach bride's house and back to groom's house as well.

Groom: Dog (1982)
Bride: Tiger (1986)

Groom Mum: Pig (1959)

Bride Dad: Horse (1954)
Bride Mum: Dog (1958)

Thanks in advance.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Wei Sheong Lee

Auspicious times for 19 September 2015:

3am - 5am
1pm - 5pm

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Coming soon...

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Yes. 18 January 2015 is an auspicious date for registration of marriage.

The next auspicious Sunday for registration of marriage is on 8 March 2015.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment


Hi voyager, then when is the good date for Chinese dowry? Meanwhile is that mean between 8am to 12pm is not a good time. Please advise Voyage

Thanks in advance.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Wei Sheong Lee

Chinese dowry is not mentioned in the Tong Shu.

5am - 11am is inauspicious
11am - 1pm is neutral.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi. Is August 8, 2015 auspicious for marriage between

Bride: May 28, 1981
Groom: April 22, 1975

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Vogayer, any zodic sign to avoid? Please advise. Thx.

Yixiang said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8,

We are planning to have our wedding on the 5th September, which according to the above image is a good date because neither of us are born in the year of the tiger. However, one concern that I have is that that is also the period of the hungry ghosts festival. Does the tong shu take that into account? Should be proceed or is a it better to avoid? Would greatly appreciate your advice. Thank you.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


There is no such concern in Tong Shu, but if you personally concerned about it, it is your own choice to avoid.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

My daughter 's wedding will be on 10th October 2015. May I know what time is the best for the bride to enter the bridegroom house. My daughter is Horse and son in law is Dragon

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@josephineteo chailing

Auspicious times for 10 October 2015:

3am - 7am
9am - 5pm

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi... Need advise from you which day in feb 2015 a good day for marriage registration. Me is born in year horse march 78 & cow october 85. Thanks.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@david chan

Coming soon...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi i need your help when is the best date or days in the month of January 2015 to get married in civil wedding for :we were born Girl January 6,1987 TIGER Boy September 21,1984 RAT. Thanks! Hoping for your reply.God bless

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Coming soon mean? I dun understand that...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

For the month of January 2015 only best day?..

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Yes coming soon.For the month of january 2015 only., When is the best day?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@david chan

There will be new post about auspicious dates for marriage registration in 2015.

You just need to continue come back.

When I finish compiling the table, will post it here.

Ann said... Reply To This Comment

Hi wer
Planning to get married on feb 22 and my sign is under horse and hes a pig..do u think this is a good date to get married?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi...would it be auspicious for tiger(1986) and cow(1985) to get married on 13th June 2015?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi I am planning to ROM on the 27 March 2015 but wedding dinner on a later date. Is the date auspicious? Thanks.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@stanley pang

Not particularly auspicious, but should be OK for ROM.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi! i am the bride is it ok to get married on my birthday ds July 15,2015? bride 1979 groom 1978... as i can see in your chart Jul.14 & 16 is auspicous maybe we can move it in either of the two dates if Jul.15 is not ok for us....can i ask also for the auspicious time for Jul.14&16...tnx!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Roela Paderna

Should be OK for 15 July 2015.

Auspicious times for 14 July 2015:
3am - 7am
9am - 1pm
7pm - 9pm

Auspicious times for 15 July 2015:
3am - 7am
9am - 11am
5pm - 7pm
9pm - 11pm

Auspicious times for 16 July 2015:
12am - 1am
5am - 11am
3pm - 5pm
7pm - 9pm

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager! Please Help. We already book our wedding date (December 19, 2015 - 10am). Bride to be is an Ox (11-12-85) and Groom to be is a Pig (12-29-83). And according to your article, it is an auspicious date but against Boar. This means bad luck if we pursue? Please give us your advise. Thank you very much.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Dark Mpres

It would be easier to explain if you have idea about the 5 elements and 12 earthlies which form up the 5x12=60 rotating combinations.

Let's make it simple by using the magnet analogy, so that the complexity can reduce from 60 to 2.

You know that the magnet has 2 poles, the North pole and the South pole. If you put 2 magnets together, same pole will reject, different pole will attract.

Now, on that day, the day and the person born in the year of Boar is in the "reject" position.

It not necessary means bad luck, in certain situation, it could be good luck instead.

Anyhow, when it is in "reject" position, some incident that is out of day-to-day normal life will happen.

Normally, we try to avoid the date, because we do not know how the incident that going to happen will impact on our planned activity. It just a "play safe" mentality.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Dear Voyager8,
Thank you very much for a prompt reply. Will keep that in mind. Thanks again.

My Tiny Loft said... Reply To This Comment

hi, planning to get married on 08/08/2015. Is it a auspicious day for these zodiac signs?
groom: pig
bride: pig
bride father: rat
bride mother: sheep
groom mother: snake


Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@My Tiny Loft


Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi is 03/09/2016 a good day for a pig groom and dog bride to marry on? Does it matter about the widow year? Thank you.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Lisa W

Please refer to Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2016

JL said... Reply To This Comment

Hi I would like to know what's a good wedding date for fall or winter 2015. The bride D.O.B 03/22/1980 Monkey . The groom D.O.B 09/21/1981 Rooster. We've been together for 12 years :) thank you!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, I am a snake and my fiancee is a monkey, just wondering if the 8th Nov 2015 is good for us to have our wedding day, and also what time is good for us?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Petaling Sydney

Auspicious times for 8 November 2015:

5am - 9am
3pm - 7pm

gyani baba said... Reply To This Comment

I am born on 2.4.1983. I am going to start a new job. Tell me a good day in March 15

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi.We're planning to get married om April 8,2015. Is it good for us? Groom: Snake while;
Bride: Rooster

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@leuniel and lovely Rico

Please refer to the table in the main article above.

CNR said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8, may I seek your advice if 25th Oct 2015 is an auspicious date for me and my partner to have our solemnization? If so, may I know the auspicious timing?
Thanks alot in advance!

Groom's D.O.B 6th May 1988, Dragon
Bride's D.O.B 4th June 1988, Dragon
Groom's Father - Dog
Groom's Mother - Cow
Bride's Father - Dog
Bride's Mother - Rabbit

CNR said... Reply To This Comment

I saw at other website that 25th Oct is lunar 13th which is 'San niang affliction' day.. which is actually a very bad day.. moreover on that day it clashes with my partner and my zodiac - dragon.. hence I m very worried.. may I know if it's true? What should I do?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Please refer to the table in the main article above.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, I see that your general auspicious dates for December 2015 is 19th. and we have already made arrangements for our wedding on that day. but recently the dates seemed to have changed when I saw the Chinese calendar. it has become the 18th as auspicious and 19th as inauspicious. may I know why is this so? different tong shus? and what then is the "correct" date?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Paul Ng

Do you see the same as below?

18 December 2015:
Auspicious elements: 天恩, 天仓, 时德, 三合, 临日, 圣心.
Inauspicious elements: 天牢

19 December 2015:
Auspicious elements: 不将, 五富, 益後.
Inauspicious elements: 重日, 劫煞, 小耗, 元武.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply. So sorry, but i do not understand what does those above means. I just saw on several chinese calenders(those traditional types where u tear them off daily) that on the 19th december 2015, it lists 嫁娶 under the inauspicious column. what does those characters u replied above means?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Paul Ng

Those are the elements of the day used to determine whether it is auspicious or inauspicious for a particular activity.

If your other source see the same elements, then it is different interpretation. If your other source see some other elements, then list down what they see, we might be able to find out further from there.

If your other source can't even tell you how they derived it, then you should ask them why they say like that.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi there

What are the auspicious timings for 4 July 2015?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Timothy Yilynn Teo

Auspicious times for 4 July 2015:

3am - 5am
9am - 3pm
7pm - 9pm

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment


Me and my partner are both dragons are we are planning to get married on October 30, 2015. However, the problem is both of us have siblings with the rooster zodiac and we included them on our entourage..

Is there any way for us to mitigate the exception by including them?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Jennifer Chu

Start and complete your ceremony within the auspicious time period for 30 October 2015:

3am - 7am
9am - 5pm

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you so much for your help. :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hello again, just would like to ask if does it matter if our wedding date is near all souls day here in the philippines? Its just 2 days after the wedding.. Will it bring bad luck?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Jennifer Chu

Doesn't matter in Tong Shu.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment
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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

My wedding is on 14 the of Aug2015 I cannot change the date.is there any solution to make auspicious. Please advice

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@shaikh fayaz

Follow the auspicious times on 14 August 2015:

5am - 7am
9am - 11am
1pm - 3pm
7pm - 11pm

joanyr08 said... Reply To This Comment

Hi! Need help. We plan to get married Aug 1,2015 or Aug 8, 2015. DOB groom Aug 10, 1983, bride March 31,1984. Which is ideal? Thanks a lot!

Kyran Tan said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Voyager8, stumbled upon your blog and think it is really kind of u to advise couples. May I follow your calendar for the purpose of 过大礼?is there also a preferred auspicious timing on the day itself?


Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Kyran Tan

Please refer to:
Auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement in 2015

Kyran Tan said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you!!

jjtan015 said... Reply To This Comment

We plan to get married on 1/11/2015. May I know if it ok?
What's the most auspicious time?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Please refer to Inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2015.

Knov said... Reply To This Comment

Hi! I'm impressed with your knowledge. My fiancé (a snake) and I (a rat) plan to wed in September at the courthouse. I was hoping for 9/15/15 but it seems to go against me bc I am a rat... If we were to wed that day does it mean a doomed marriage? Thx!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


It is not a good day for you.

Knov said... Reply To This Comment
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Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Please refer to the table in the main article above.

Knov said... Reply To This Comment

My apologies to bother again, but does that mean our marriage would be cursed/bad/doomed or that my day might just be rough?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


It is a good day for marriage, so the effect to marriage should be good.

But it is a bad day for you, on that day, you need to be careful of any unexpected circumstances.

Knov said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you kindly for your responses. I can't imagine how busy you are with all of these questions on top of everything else you do. Your time is greatly appreciated. It does seem like this would be the best day due to all circumstances and Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th, so we'd have to avoid that period as well. As much as I enjoy believing in all this stuff it can sometimes get the best of you ;) Take care!!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi voyager8,

My fiancé and I are both rabbits. Parents bride (ox and horse) ; parents of groom (goat) Will it be ok to host the dinner reception and tea ceremony on 17 dec 2016 (neither auspicious or inauspicious) or 11 dec 2016 (I saw 11 dec is inauspicious date)?
Thanks much

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