If you have bought an insurance plan, or have been approached by insurance agent before, I'm sure you might have been known about the kind of health/medical insurance that covers 36 kinds of critical illnesses.
However, you might not be awared that the coverage on the 36 kinds of critical illnesses is at the terminal stage, which is a serious stage that is hard to recover or already close to death. Before reaching such a serious situation, although you might unluckily caught by one of the 36 kinds of critical illnesses, you still can't make any claim from your critical illnesses insurance policy.
Recently, I was informed by my insurance agent about a new type of insurance plan (well, actually not that new now as it has been launched for quite some times) that can complement the traditional 36 critical illnesses insurance plan with an early payout condition.
Under this early payout for critical illnesses plan, we can make the claim upon early diagnosis of a critical illness covered under the plan, and make use of the money for medical treatment. Early treatment let us have higher chance of survival.
The payout will be a certain proportion of the total sum insured, depends on the type of the diagnosed illness and its severity level (early, intermediate, terminal). Multiple claims across multiple critical illnesses is possible as long as there is still balance in the total sum insured.
Anyhow, this kind of early payout insurance plan seems to be come as a rider in a regular premium investment-linked insurance plan, making it not so flexible for people who want to take this kind of insurance but not so interested in buying unit trust through insurance (which normally incurs high commission rate and high admin charges).
Do contact with your own insurance agent to find out more about such early payout critical illnesses insurance plan if you are interested.
11 hours ago
29/36 critical illnesses are preventable with lifestyle described below. While the risk of accident (7/36 critical illness) reduced. The insurance companys should charge lower premium for people leading this healthy lifestyle, but they would like to maximise their underwriting profit.
1.Get adequate sleep, preferably no need alarm to wake up fresh in the morning.
2.Get adequate aerobic and muscle building exercise.
3.Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables throughout the day, preferably organic, local, and in different colours.
4.Consume whole grains instead of refined grains.
5.Adequately hydrated with clean water, such as filter with WQA Gold Seal.
6.Avoid sugary drinks & sweets.
7.Choose to see the positive side of things – forego negative emotions.
8.Supplement with an organic plant-based multi-vitamin, such as, NUTRILITE Double X.
9.Supplement with high quality Omega-3 (180 mg of EPA, 120 mg of DHA) and Vitamin E (30 IU of d-alpha Tocopherol).
Contact me if you want to buy Free Radical Test kits. It determines whether additional anti-oxidant supplementation is required.
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