Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hard reset Garmin Nuvi 255w GPS to factory default

In the Quick Start Manual of Garmin Nuvi 255w GPS, it stated that you can reset the unit by pressing the RESET button at its bottom. However, the RESET button is not found in my Nuvi 255w.

Additional information in the Owner's Manual stated that if RESET button is not found, slide the POWER key and hold it for more than 8 seconds will do the same, but I found out doing so will go to the touch screen calibration utility instead.

Another section in the Owner's Manual under the title "Clearing User Data" stated that holding your finger on the lower-right corner of the screen while turning on the unit and keeping the finger pressed until a message appear, that will allow you to delete all user-entered information.

I tried it and a message window pops up asking about "Do you really want to erase all user data?". There are 2 buttons to select, Yes or No. If you want to try this, make sure you've backup the data in your unit before answering to Yes.

So is the Clearing User Data be the same function as performing a hard reset to the unit? I don't have the confirmed answer yet.

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Afterburner said... Reply To This Comment

This article is really helpfull...
I just bought one last week and was wondering how to find the way to reset it.
In the end, have you found the so called "hard reset mode"?
Thanks a lot, from France ;)

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

Hi Afterburner,

There is saying that the RESET button is hiding behind the sticker at the bottom of the GPS. You need to peel off the sticker to access it.

I haven't tried that yet.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Yes, this will do a "hard reset". Had to do it on my nüvi 215 and it worked. The only data it leaves behind is your maps, but sends your Garmin™ back to original factory defaults.
BTW, to get to the touch screen calibration, press and hold the top left corner of the screen for ±20 secs while turning on the unit. The callibration screen will then appear.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I have a Nuvi 255 and to get to the touch screen calibration menu, I had to hold the power button to the left while pressing the top left corner of the screen for about 10 seconds AT THE SAME TIME. I had to do both for the menu to appear.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

There is a hard reset button under the sticker at the bottom of the unit. It is located directly under the check mark on the sticker. I found it after using this guide to get to the "Do you really want to erase all user data?" message, but the reset is there.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, I have a Garmin nuvi 255W unit that I've had for 7 months now that recently malfunctioned. When I was driving a week ago, the screen froze when 'calculating' a new route for me. I turned the power off and back on, and as usual, the first screen "Warning, Do not attempt to enter route information or adjust this device while driving..." screen appeared. I touch "accept" and nothing happened. The same issue is still happening. I've tried to let the battery die and start it again, but nothing changes. I can't even turn the power off, it is just frozen on the "Agree" screen. I know the touch screen itself works because soon after the first malfunction, when I took out the power cord the power source lost, turn off/keep on screen appeared, and I was able to chose the "keep on" option (thinking that the problem was solved).

Any help with this would be really great! I can't figure out what to do. I'm not sure how to even reset it in this mode where it's not responsive to my input.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


I think your Garmin might have problem loading up the map.

As it is only 7 months, you can try to send it for warranty repair.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I've peeled off the sticker from the back of my garmin nuvi 255w, but I can only see 2 really small screws but they seem to need special screwdriver to unscrew. Unfortunately, I didn't see any reset button.

Actually, my problem is that when I connect to my computer, it started up with the Copyright screen and then, loading Maps screen and after ~15 secondes, it powers off. 2 seconds after, the process is repeating again and again.

Without any cables, it just started up with the Copyright screen and then, shutted down by itself.

It really sucks. Does anyone has any clue on how to solve this GPS blocking bug from Garmin?

Jiri said... Reply To This Comment

The forzen warning screen appeared after about 9 months of reliable work, screen "Warning, Do not attempt to enter route information or adjust this device while driving..." screen appeared. I touch "accept" and nothing happened. I've tried turn off, turn on, let the battery die and start it again, but nothing changes. It is just frozen on the "Agree" screen. Any suggestion?

Ana said... Reply To This Comment

I'm having the exact same problem as Jiri and Anonymous above. My screen won't go past "agree". The system doesn't acknowledge when I press it. I couldn't even turn it off so I just let the battery die. My unit is approx. 8 months old so this is very frustrating. I don't know if I have the receipt as it was a gift.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Me too, the same problem, keep loading map, then 2 beeps, can't see the interface, after that again and again.only 10 months from new. Any solutions?

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

My Nuvi 255w freezes during some "Recalculations". All time turns it off and on again solve the issue, but I'm afraid that I will follow others experience.
Software v.6.60
GPS SW v.2.00m
Maps: TRC-Brasil 10.09 and NT North America NT 2010.40

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I had the same issue as those above. It just froze at the warning screen. I did a hard reset a couple times by holding down on the bottom right of the screen and turning the unit on. Then I registered on garmin's website and updated the software. Garmin issued a press release stating this is a common problem. This happened once before, and amazingly, I just happened to accidentally figure out the hard reset by hitting the button. ha.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

My 255w was not responding to touches on the screen properly, like pressing the Agree button. I did the screen recalibration by touching the upper right of the screen for 30 seconds or so while turning on the unit. This cured the problems.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Oops, the comment above should have said upper LEFT corner of the screen while turing on the unit.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

When I power my 255W Nuvi I get the garmin screen and then comes a press the dot screen. Press the dot and nothing happens. Does anyone know how to go about resetting the unit. I do not have a reset button and holding the upper left and also the lower right side of the screen does nothing. Please help.

paul said... Reply To This Comment

my nuvi 255w just has a black loading screen and doesn't go any further...please help :)

ed said... Reply To This Comment

I had the same problem as above (screen wouldn't register me pressing the agree button). I plugged the unit in while pressing the top left corner of the screen. Give it time - it took about a minute until the screen calibration program came on. I did the calibration and my garmin is working again.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I loaned out my beloved nuvi 255W (never again). She came back sick and confused. Thanks to the information here, I was able to mend her with just a User Data Reset and nothing more serious. I learned a lot about the unit, so thanks to everyone that contributed. Long live free information.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

@AnonymousMarch 09/11 Thanks very much, works perfectly!! PMN Canada

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Mine is mainly stuck in the Pin screen. I enter the pin I put in, press done and nothing happens. I have found the little plastic flap under the label with a reset button under it. Pressing that gets other screns but not for anything I can use. Just goes back to the Pin keyboard and wont respond to my pin. Have tried pressing long on both the top left and bottom right corners but still just have the same result. Except an overlay "The screen is locked..." message. or "Searching for satelite..." Any ideas??

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

DO NOT REMOVE STICKER!!! you can feel the sticker and it feels like there are two posssible areas for a reset button **NOTE: THEY ARE BOTH SCREW HOLES** maybe some of the Garmin nuvi 255W series have a reset button, but do not count on it.

My girlfriends unit was stuck on the "loading maps" screen. it now moves past that to say "map is old, give me your money for updates". but now the touch screen is unresponsive.

Any one able to help????

rocky said... Reply To This Comment

For the Garmin 285w calibration screen you need to put your finger in the top left corner and keep it there, while holding the power on button for about 20 seconds. Then follow the calibration instructions.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I hope I found the fix for my Garmin nuvi 255W. I just got off the phone with Garmin Support and here is what they had me do. Go to and click on SUPPORT, from there click on SOFTWARE, from there click on WebUpdater for Device Software, then click on Step 1 DOWNLOAD, from there choose your Operating System on your computer and either run or save the file, install this software and then run the software with your Garmin connected to the computer. You will basically take the defaults and when you have the multiple choice window for what you want to update they had me choose and data information and any languages you may want, this will update your software on your Garmin and hopefully should resolve your issues of it locking up at the AGREE or turning on and then right off. I also learned from this site that turning your Garmin on and holding the top left corner will allow you to recalibrate your device and holding the bottom right while you turn it on will allow you to reset your data back to factory defaults. Good luck!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I recently discovered that updating your Gamin nuvi 255w software/firmware may not resolve the freezing issue if you are running a Windows XP Professional computer and have aggressive anti-virus software enabled (i.e.: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware). It may cause your Windows pc to lag or transmit corrupt data packets to the GPS unit and since the 255w doesn't contain error checking it may contain missing or corrupt date. Run a full scan to be sure your pc is in good health and only then disable your advanced computer protection BEFORE an update!
This is what I've found.

judy said... Reply To This Comment

my nuvi 255 w has black screen wont even power on. what can I do?

judy said... Reply To This Comment

Originally my nuvi 255w would power on then "die" afterfirst screen. I tried reset button; power on with right lower; power on with left upper corner; Now screen is black wont even power on. Can You help me?

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


I think you need to send it to the service center.

EEEBaby said... Reply To This Comment

My Garmin 255w is stuck on the loading maps screen and hooking up to my mac doesn't sap it out of it! I tried to hold down the right hand corner while powering on but that doesn't work. PLEASE HELP!!!

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


This is likely caused by a corrupted map file.

You need to gain access to the storage of the GPS to replace it with a good one. Try Google search for "Nuvi ROM Cure" for the required tool and method for the recovery.

If you have an SD card, try remove it from the GPS. If the corrupted map file is stored in the SD card, the problem will be solved.

dwon said... Reply To This Comment

My 255w works about 2minutes and goes black plz help ..won....

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment


Could be battery problem. Try plug in the car charger.

There is way to replace the battery. Find it out in Youtube.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you so much. mine would not power on at all.
so i did as the original poster said and held the power button over for 8 seconds and wow it came right on..thanks so much

avi said... Reply To This Comment

Like the original post says you can do software reset by holding the finger on lower right corner of the screen and powering on the gps for 8 secs. Here you can select yes for erase user data. But it didn't work for me. Once I click yes gps turns off.

So my next option is master reboot. For this method you have to make sure you are first registered on garmin with your 255w gps have garmin account open on your web browser.
Next holding top left corner of the screen power on. Don’t remove your hand yet. Plug your usb cable to computer. Your computer should detect new hardware found. Go ahead and install the driver (for windows 7 drivers install through windows update automatically but lower OS like xp have to manually install if not connected to network). Now can remove your hand but I suggest not to remove . because it might turn off again.
Go to your garmin account on your browser. Under my dashboard it should detect your gps. Update your gps there and follow steps.
I talked to garmin customer support but none of their tricks didn’t work. So I tried above steps it worked. If you have any questions email me at

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Ive tried all of these suggestions but it appears the the Garmin touch screen isnt recognizing any touches. Any idea on how to get it to acknowledge my touch?

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

I have a garmin nuvi255w that I tried to update the files in it. When I connected it to my pc, it showed GARMIN than the message "system software missing". How can I reinstall the software back into the gps to get it working again.

Voyager8 said... Reply To This Comment

@Kenneth Groff

I think you need to send it to the service center to reinstall the system.

Wayne said... Reply To This Comment

Hi, Garmin 215w, all of a sudden would not switch on this morning. I've checked the battery, its all good, I've done a reset with the reset button, nothing. I've held the on/off button for approx. 8 seconds as the manual says, still nothing. Can someone shed a bit of light on the subject please. Thanks in advance.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

My Garmin 2557nuvi 's traffic is no longer says its not hooked up to traffic wire...but mine does not have a traffic always worked before

SUBS said... Reply To This Comment

updated my nuvi 2495 on 19/12/2015.after the update my garmin does not start only boots into the logo screen and powers off.tried soft reset...not working .tried hard reset not working. need help please

michaeljb said... Reply To This Comment

If your 255w is stuck on the Garmin screen, there is NO FIX other than one of two things.

1) plugging device in and wing a re-installing the firmware for your model through the Garmin wesite.


2) Sending your 255w to Garmin or an authorized repair center to repair this.

There is NO OTHER FIX for this, regardless of what you read. If someone said it worked for them, they are either lying, or their Garmin was not stuck in the Garmin screen.

Stuck on the Garmin screen means the firmware has fried and no longer is readable to the CPU in the device. Turning off, or a hard reset will NOT fix that problem.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Hi I have tried all you guys have said tried the long press on the bottom right and I would get the prompt but my nuvi just does not reset. Oh sorry I forgot my p/word or pin. Help please its less than a month old. Any advice

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