Showing posts with label career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Malaysia Employment Outlook and Salary Guide 2011/12 from Kelly Services

Kelly Services has released their Malaysia Employment Outlook and Salary Guide 2011/12.

It is observed that employers are now focusing on employing graduates armed with knowledge of the profession and competency, who are critical thinkers and problem solvers with good communication skills within the sales and marketing functions. Most organizations offer these fresh graduates lower basic salary and higher performance based tiered incentives and commission.

Talent with a genuine ability to build long-term, successful, professional relationships with clients, in addition to selling a product or service are in great demand to keep the business moving forward.

With the rise in "cloud" technology, there will also be an increasing demand for ICT professionals with skills in networking, security and creative multimedia within the next 3 years. Other staffing
trends include rich Internet applications and mobile development arising from smart phones impact into the markets.

Click here to download the Kelly Services Malaysia Employment Outlook and Salary Guide 2011/12.

Auspicious dates for opening business in 2012

Here is the list of auspicious dates for opening business in year 2012, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. It can be applied to new business opening, or reopening of business after a break/holiday. (Click the image to enlarge)

Note that 24/1, 27/1, 30/1 and 31/1 are the auspicious dates for opening business right after Chinese New Year 2012.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:

    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2012

    For employees, especially those in leading/managing position, here is a list of auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2012, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

    It can be applied to first day reporting to new company/department/office/position, go for the post to lead/manage a new business unit/team/project/programme. It can also be applied to assuming new job position after promotion/restructuring/relocation exercise.

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    Related articles:

      Friday, October 28, 2011

      The top 10 in Interbrand Best Global Brands 2011

      Interbrand, a leading brand consultancy, has just released their 12th annual Best Global Brands Report.

      This annual valuation report has been voted as one of the most influential benchmark studies by business leaders. It provides insights into the yearly performances of the world's Top 100 brands.

      Interbrand ranks the brands by Brand Value, which is calculated based on the formula below.

      Due to the volatile markets and uncertain business climate that characterized 2011, brands are in the midst of adapting to a new reality.

      "Uncertainty is the new status quo, so today’s brands need to be quick and nimble," remarked Jez Frampton, Interbrand’s Global Chief Executive Officer. "Consistency, relevance and commitment are imperative if a brand is to keep pace in our rapidly changing world."

      The top 10 brands in 2011 are:
      • Coca-cola
      • IBM
      • Microsoft
      • Google
      • GE
      • McDonald's
      • Intel
      • Apple
      • Disney
      • Hewlett-Packard
      The chart below shows the change in Brand Value of these top 10 over the years. Google and Apple are both progressing fast.

      Click here to download the full Best Global Brands 2011 Report for free. There is also an iPad version of the report available in iTunes Store.

      Sunday, October 23, 2011

      5 main reasons why prospects will not buy from you

      According to Zig Ziglar, there are 5 main reasons why your prospects will not buy from you:

      • No need - They don't feel they need what you are selling
      • No money - They don't have any (or enough) money
      • No hurry - They are just not in a hurry to buy
      • No desire - They don't really want what you are selling
      • No trust - They don't trust you
      If you apply the correct tactics, you can still close the deal.

      In most cases, people are going to buy what they really want, not necessarily what they need. It is your opportunity and responsibility to sell the legitimate benefits of your goods and services in a legitimate manner so that your prospect will want to buy from you, again and again.

      Perhaps you can learn from the late Steve Jobs on how he could get you to buy his range of Apple products.

      Sunday, September 18, 2011

      The relationship between multi-storey building floor number and the 5 elements of Feng Shui

      Nowadays, multi-storey or high rise building is everywhere in urban areas.

      You might live in multi-storey building, and you might also work in multi-storey building.

      Do you want to know the relationship between multi-storey building floor number and the 5 elements of Feng Shui? With that, you can find out how compatible is the floor you are staying with your own element.

      Note that in Chinese floor naming convention, the 1st Floor is the floor that is same level with the ground, which might be known as Ground Floor in certain places. The 2nd Floor is the floor above 1st Floor, which might be known as 1st Floor in buildings that start with Ground Floor.

      Before we proceed, please keep in mind that we are using the Chinese floor naming convention here, so do your own adjustment if your building's naming convention is different.

      To determine the element of the floor, we look at its last digit. Therefore, 1st Floor, 11th Floor, 21st Floor, 31st Floor, 41st Floor, ... all have the same element. The same concept applies to 2nd Floor, 12th Floor, 32nd Floor, ... and so on. (Remember: use the Chinese floor naming convention!)

      And here is the associated elements:

      • Water: 1, 6
      • Fire: 2, 7
      • Wood: 3, 8
      • Metal: 4, 9
      • Earth: 5, 10

      There is also a mapping between the 5 elements and your Chinese Zodiac animal. Your Chinese Zodiac animal is determined based on your year of birth. The mapping is as follow:
      • Water: Rat, Boar
      • Fire: Snake, Horse
      • Wood: Tiger, Rabbit
      • Metal: Monkey, Roaster
      • Earth: Cow, Dragon, Goat, Dog

      It is a basic Feng Shui concept that:
      • Water produces Wood
      • Wood produces Fire
      • Fire produces Earth
      • Earth produces Metal
      • Metal produces Water
      and that:
      • Water destroys Fire
      • Fire destroys Metal
      • Metal destroys Wood
      • Wood destroys Earth
      • Earth destroys Water
      Now, you have enough information to evaluate whether the floor your are staying in has positive or negative impact to you.

      For example, if you are born in the year of Rabbit (Wood element), and you are staying/working in 5th Floor (in Chinese convention) (Earth element), Wood destroys Earth and therefore Earth suppresses Wood, it seems to be not a good matching. In Feng Shui, this situation is considered Neutral and not as Bad. However, if the floor is Metal (destroys Wood) or Fire (burns up the Wood), that is considered as Bad. If the floor is Water (produces Wood) or Wood (enriches Wood), that is considered as Good.

      Thursday, July 21, 2011

      The 2nd Integrated Content Development Programme (ICON2) by MDEC

      If you are a Malaysian and wanna enter into mobile apps development for iPhone/iPad or Android, or you want to setup a content/knowledge website, you should know about ICON2 which can provide you training, financial and facility support to bring your dream to reality.

      The Integrated Content Development Programme (ICON) commenced in 2009 was aimed for MDEC to provide support and assistance to Malaysian content developers in creating quality web and mobile apps. 96 projects has already benefited from this programme.

      ICON2 just launched earlier this month (July 2011), is an extension of ICON, and initiated under the Communications Content and Infrastructure sector, identified by ETP as one of the growth engine in the 12 NKEA. This round, it is targetted for iPhone/iPad and Android apps development projects.

      There are 3 components under ICON2.

      ICONapps is a mobile apps development programme for team of 2-4 Malaysian developers. It provide funding assistance through reimbursement for training in iOS or Android development, any purchase of development platform and devices, purchase or license of 3rd party SDK, and also reimbursements for any 1st year developer registration fee.

      In short, you can start up your mobile apps development by getting free training, free computer, free development phone, free development tools, etc. from MDEC by applying to this ICONapps programme. I believe this is a perfect programme for university/college students and/or free graduates and/or any Malaysian who would like to develop mobile apps to kick start with.

      ICONdap is a developer assistance programme that provides funding assistance for those who have innovative ideas and concepts to come out with POC and prototype. The funding covers all direct costs incurred for the proposed project. At the final stage, MDEC will also assist you for Business/VC/Angel matching.

      ICONeX is a digital content hosting and exchange facility targeted at SMI/SME and individuals which require bandwidth for online content, applications and services. This is a datacenter server hosting and/or co-location facility at a competitive price.

      Click here for more information and application form download of ICON2.

      Friday, May 6, 2011

      Deloitte Technology Trends 2011 Report - The natural convergence of business and IT

      Deloitte has released their annual Technology Trends report for 2011, taglined "The natural convergence of business and IT".

      This report examines the ever-evolving landscape of technology put to business use. Although it is written from the perspective of the CIO, it also informs business executives on exciting new possibilities to apply technology to address their most pressing business challenges.

      10 important trends were identified in this report, clustered in 2 categories.

      1. (Re)Emerging Enablers are trends that many CIOs and technology executives have spent time, thought and resources on in the past.

      They are:

      • Visualization
      • "Almost-Enterprise" Applications
      • Cyber Intelligence
      • CIOs as Revolutionaries
      • The End of the "Death of ERP"

      2. Disruptive Deployments are trends that present significant new opportunities to improve business processes, rethink operations or even enter into new business models. The technologies themselves are not necessarily disruptive, but when when deployed, could disrupt the cost, capabilities, or even the core operating model of IT and the business.

      They are:
      • Real Analytics
      • Social Computing
      • User Engagement
      • Applied Mobility
      • Capability Clouds
      Among the list, the convergence of Social and Mobile computing plays significantly.

      Click here to download the 68 pages Deloitte Technology Trends 2011 Report.

      Thursday, December 30, 2010

      Auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2011

      I have just posted the list of auspicious dates for opening business in 2011. And for employees, especially those in leading/managing position, here is a list of auspicious dates for starting new job/post/assignment in 2011, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

      It can be applied to first day reporting to new company/department/office/position, go for the post to lead/manage a new business unit/team/project/programme. It can also be applied to assuming new job position after promotion/restructuring/relocation exercise.

      Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

      Related articles:

        Auspicious dates for opening business in 2011

        Here is the list of auspicious dates for opening business in year 2011, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. It can be applied to new business opening, or reopening of business after a break/holiday.

        Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

        Related articles:

        Friday, November 5, 2010

        How to make your boss like you

        The November 2010 issue of Personal Money magazine has an article titled "9 Ways To Get Into Your Boss' Good Books" which I believe is very advisable for all employee to read, understand and practise in order to excel in their career.

        The 9 tips to let your boss like you are:

        • Make your boss look good
        • Understand your boss
        • Understand your boss' expectations and do more than is expected of you
        • Provide solutions rather than problems
        • Working independently on the job
        • Make your time count
        • Communicate with your boss
        • Watch your code of conduct
        • Showing positivism in your life and work
        Beside that, the following are something usually done by employee to please their boss, but might not work at all:
        • Trying to look productive but nothing is happening
        • Making your boss look good in the wrong way
        • Tripod-ding and apple-polishing
        • Working overly independent of your boss
        For detailed explanation of all the above points, grab yourself a copy of November 2010 Personal Money magazine and read through page 59-61.

        Tuesday, May 18, 2010

        A simple course in Good Human Relations from 6 words to 1 word

        The following are extracted from an article written by Tan Sri Dato' Soong Siew Hoong, a famous businessman in iron and steel industry, who is very active in business associations including FMM, ACCCIM, etc. The origin of this simple course of wisdom is anonymous.

        Here is the simple course in Good Human Relations from 6 words to 1 word.

        The important words:
        I admit I made a mistake
        You did a good job
        What is your opinion
        If you please
        Thank you

        The least important word:

        The words are simple. Let's look into the deeper meaning of each line.

        I Admit I Made A Mistake (6 words)
        It takes wisdom to know you are wrong, and courage to admit it publicly and then take steps to correct the mistake. This means practising the concept of LEARNING is a lifelong process and there is always a better way to do things.

        You Did A Good Job (5 words)
        We should always give praise to someone who did a good job, say it in front of others, with sincerity. In this way, that person will not only feel happy to be recognized for good performance, but will continue to support you.

        What Is Your Opinion? (4 words)
        There is everything to gain and nothing to lose, to ask for others' opinions. They'll feel as part of the team to be consulted. They may even come out with better idea!

        If You Please... (3 words)
        Asking for help in a polite way, instead of demanding it, will likely get a positive response.

        Thank You (2 words)
        It is so easy to say thank you to someone for even a little favour, yet many people don't say it, and just take it for granted. Say thank you to your colleagues, friends, relatives, even to your spouse and children, and they will become your friend and be respected.

        We (1 word)
        Saying WE means you are partners, you share the praise or success, just as you share the responsibility. There should be no finger pointing and no individual heroes!

        In practising Good Human Relations, I is the least important word. It denotes self importance, egoism, and never goes down well with others. Avoid using I, expect when accepting responsibility for a mistake done by you . Use WE more often to promote comradeship and teamwork.

        Practising Good Human Relations begins with each of us. Hope that this sharing has enlighten your thought.

        Sunday, May 2, 2010

        Towers Watson 2010 GWS found Malaysians value job security and stability

        The Towers Watson Global Workforce Study 2010 claimed to be the most comprehensive study available on employee mindset following the recession. Conducted online from November 2009 to January 2010, the study polled 20,000 full-time employees from 22 countries around the world. In Malaysia, about 600 employees in mid-size to large organisations were polled. The research builds upon several previous Global Workforce Studies to provide companies with actionable insights around employee behaviours, opinions and engagement levels.

        Below is derived from their press release on 15 April 2010...

        Malaysian employees rank job security and stability as their most important employment criteria. Nonetheless, they remain highly mobile as only 11% plan to remain in their current organization, compared to 42% globally, according to the results of new research from global professional services company Towers Watson.

        The Towers Watson Global Workforce Study – a biennial survey of employee attitudes and workplace trends – also finds that while engagement levels remain unaffected by the recession, organizations should continue to focus on career advancement and leadership as the twin factors of engaging and retaining their workforce.

        "More than half of the Malaysian workforce prefers to work for 3 or more organizations throughout their career. (While they desire stability and security in their job, they may be inclined to leave the organization if better job stability and security, career advancement and effective leadership are available.) The challenge then lies in employers retaining their top talent and keeping them engaged," said Vivek Nath, Managing Director for Towers Watson Malaysia.

        Career advancement opportunities to retain top talent in the workplace

        While employees desire job security and stability as a general consideration, the study shows that they specifically cite the availability of career advancement opportunities as the most important reason influencing their decision to join an organization, other factors include an organization’s financial health, and competitive base pay.

        In order to attract and retain employees, organizations have to focus on creating career advancement prospects in the work environment. Among the factors that respondents believe will help advance their careers are:
        • having a supportive mentor, aside from their manager;
        • having an immediate manager to provide them with the opportunity to develop their skills;
        • having an immediate manager to provide clear goals for the team; and
        • having an immediate manager to assign tasks that are well suited to their skills and abilities.
        It is also interesting to note that Malaysia’s workforce views fostering relationships as an important way of helping them advance their career. 81% of respondents also believe that networking and collaborating with their peers would enhance and develop the necessary skills they need in getting ahead in their careers. 80% of the respondents also view learning opportunities from new job assignments as a way to enhance and develop their skills effectively throughout their career.

        At the same time, Malaysian employees are well aware that it is ultimately the merits of their performance that will determine how far they would go in their careers. 73% agree that the results delivered in their job far trumps who they know.

        Based on this belief, Malaysian employees also prefer to be assessed and rewarded on their work performance. 68% say that they prefer a pay-for-performance approach based on their individual performance, rather than on the organisation’s performance and 44% would like to receive rewards based primarily on their most recent job performance, rather than their track record of success or tenure with the organisation.

        "We find that Malaysian employees are eager to carve out their career roadmap and are willing to put in significant effort to ensure that. However, organisations need to provide opportunities for employees to advance, which in our study shows employees defining advancement as a preference for acquiring new skills, achieving higher status and increasing compensation; to effectively retain their employees," continued Nath.

        Engagement levels in Malaysia remain strong, compared to global levels

        In addition to career development, effective leadership also plays an important role in engaging and retaining employees. The study shows that the economic downturn did not adversely affect the level of employee engagement in Malaysia. In fact, most Malaysian companies recognise the importance of employee engagement and have moved forward to close the engagement gap. 28% of the Malaysian workforce is engaged, compared to a global figure of 21%.

        The higher engagement level is an encouraging indication as engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs, with the results showing that 41% of engaged employees in Malaysia has no plans to leave, compared to 27% of the overall Malaysia results.

        "The impact of the recession on the business should not be used as an excuse to deviate focus from engagement, as there is a risk of talent leaving the organisation once the recession completely lifts, which could affect business performance," Nath continued.

        Wanted – Leaders with strong interpersonal sensitivities

        Whilst career development is important in engaging and retaining Malaysian employees, leadership also plays a key role in communicating the organization’s values, goals and objectives. Besides demonstrating leadership skills on business and financial management, Malaysian employees need senior leaders to care about their well being, encourage the development of talent in the organization and to be trustworthy.

        Only 56% of the respondents believe that their senior leaders have a sincere interest in their satisfaction and well-being, and only 60% agree that their senior leaders currently demonstrate trustworthiness.

        In organizations where leaders are perceived to be effective, only 14% of employees are seeking new employment. On the contrary, when leaders are seen to be ineffective, 28% of employees are either actively looking for another job or have already made plans to leave their current job.

        Taking these findings into account, Malaysian organizations could be optimistic of the year ahead, due to the relatively high engagement level in the workforce, which impacts the sustainability of business outcomes.

        "However, as the economy continues to recover, it is imperative for businesses to focus on engaging their talent and address the gap on career advancement and leadership in order to ensure higher productivity and profitability of their organizations" commented Nath.

        You might probably be interested to also read about:

        Insights from Towers Watson 2010 Global Workforce Study

        The Towers Watson 2010 Global Workforce Study covers more than 20,000 full-time employees of large and midsize organizations in 22 markets around the world (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, UK and US) and was fielded by 3rd party vendor via online questionaire between November 2009 and January 2010.

        The report was published in April 2010, and claimed to be the most comprehensive analysis of the post-recession employee mindset available today.


        This 24-pages report titled "The New Employment Deal - How Far, How Fast and How Enduring?" which you can download for free after registering with them by clicking here, opined that the recession has accelerated the demise of the traditional employment contract, or "deal", between employees and employers. The Study reveals a recession-weary workforce -- one with lower expectations, increased anxiety and new priorities.

        3 themes emerge from the Study as follow:
        • Recession has driven a final wedge into the social contract, or "deal", that has traditionally underpinned the employment relationship.
        • There is a gap between what employees want and expect from this shifting relationship, and what employers can affort to deliver in a highly competitive business climate.
        • Organizations have a unique opportunity to define a new and more sustainable employment deal with their employees, which include fostering towards "self-reliance".
        "Few employers will be able to compete effectively in the current environment without policies and practices that recognize and allow for differences in employees' roles, skills and performance, as well as their interests, expectations and needs."

        Interested to know more details? Just use the link above to get the 24-pages report for free.

        You might probably be interested to also read about:

        Monday, April 12, 2010

        Work-life lessons from Peter Drucker

        Peter F. Drucker (19 Nov 1909 – 11 Nov 2005) is well-known as "the father of modern management".

        In fact, Drucker's teachings on personal growth or self-management, are as profound as his views on organizational management.

        Drucker personified the value of creating and living a "total life" with diverse interests, relationships, and pursuits. He called this as "living in more than one world."

        He exemplified the following 5 key elements to crate a "total life":

        1. Practice self-development

        Drucker opined that: "What matters is that the knowledge worker, by the time he or she reaches middle age, has developed and nourished a human being rather than a tax accountant or a hydraulic engineer."

        We should start thinking about our life, both as it is now and where we'd like it to go. It should cover not only our work, but also our life outside of work, i.e. family, friends, interests, activities, and pursuits.

        2. Identify and develop your unique strengths

        Consider what's unique about what you do, and in what areas you excel and contribute the most, both at work and outside of work. Focus on those strengths, which are your own core competencies, and find new ways to cultivate and cherish them.

        3. Create a parallel or second career

        Drucker said, "The purpose of the work on making the future is not to decide what should be done tomorrow, but what should be done today to have a tomorrow."

        Drucker encouraged us to think about possibilities for a parallel or second career, while we're still in our main job. Leveraging on our existing knowledge and experience, and exploring into the area of teaching, writing, or working in non-profit organizations could be some good idea.

        4. Exercise your generosity

        Drucker believed an essential part of living in more than one world is to display a sense of generosity.

        Sharing your time and talents in areas such as volunteerism, social entrepreneurship and mentoring, not only provide opportunities to contribute, but also offer personal benefits from broadening and deepening your life experience to expanding your circle of friends and colleagues.

        5. Teaching and learning

        Drucker would like to see us to incorporate continuous learning as a natural part of our daily life. We should also consider teaching, as he said, "No one learns as much as the person who must teach his subject."

        Drucker’s secrets to success can help our life and career be more satisfying, meaningful and multi-dimensional. The following are 7 tips to get started:

        • Focus on achievement, not money
        • Make time for thinking - where you are and where you're going.
        • Practice "systematic abandonment" - stepping back, at regular intervals, to determine which of your present activities can be scaled back or eliminated. Only then can you make way for something more fruitful.
        • Volunteer your time and talent
        • Become a mentor - if you’ve been guided by mentors of your own, pay it forward by mentoring others. If not, look for opportunities to both mentor and be mentored.
        • Learn the art of leisure
        • Be the CEO of your own life - self-management is an ongoing discipline, requiring self-knowledge, introspection, and personal responsibility. Start now to think of yourself as the CEO of your own life and career, and take accountability for your decisions and actions. Know who you are, what is important to you, and how you will contribute at work and in the world.

        The above are my notes taken from an article written by Bruce Rosenstein, the author of the book Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker's Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life.

        Monday, April 5, 2010

        The 4Ss, 6Ms and 8Ps of business

        Do you know what are the 4Ss, 6Ms and 8Ps of business?

        Well, the 4Ss, 6Ms and 8Ps define key elements in a business from 3 different perspectives.

        The 4Ss are:

        • Skills
        • Surroundings
        • Suppliers
        • Systems
        The 6Ms are:
        • Men
        • Money
        • Markets
        • Methods
        • Machines
        • Materials
        And the 8Ps are:
        • People
        • Process
        • Policies
        • Procedures
        • Price
        • Promotions
        • Places/Plants
        • Products
        In these 3 different prespectives, do you notice they all start with one common factor, which is:

        Skills = Men = Peoples = Human resources

        Undeniably, human resources are the most important element in the business. Without Skills, the rest of the Ss mean nothing; Without Men, the rest of the Ms also mean nothing; and without People, the rest of the Ps mean nothing.

        Realising this is very important, so that:
        • When implementing Enterprise Resource System (ERP), you should put emphasis on the human resources (users) more than the infrastructure, data, information, etc.
        • If you are a boss, you know which part of your business is the most important one, that you might affort to lost the others, but definitely not this one, in order to sustain your business.
        • If you are a financial controller, you should know how to better control the company's financial in the way that will not deteriorate the company.
        • If you are an employee, you should know why you need the certifications and continuous improvement on your knowledge and skillsets, which are actually your core value to contribute to your company.

        Tuesday, March 30, 2010

        CDP Roadshow 2010: Your Knowledge Hub To Maximise Your Potential

        For information, MSC Malaysia Capability Development Programme (CDP) is organising the "CDP Roadshow 2010: Your knowledge Hub to Maximise Your Potential" event.

        Date: 7-8 April 2010
        Time: 9am - 5pm
        Venue: Cyberview Lodge, Cyberjaya

        Renowned speakers including:

        • Howard Kendell (founder of Service Desk Institute)
        • Darrell Mann (CEO of FR Innovation Software Systems)
        • Saravanan Karumanan (Director of Organisational Consulting, Right Management Malaysia)
        • Dr. Dominic Lau (Director of Applied Research, UCSI Blue Ocean Strategy)
        • Simen Seow (Managing Director of Infospec)
        • A. Nathan (Senior Consultant of mfQ Asia)
        • etc. 
        will discuss and share their knowledge in the areas such as:
        • Service Management
        • Blue Ocean Strategy
        • Risk Management
        • CMMI for Services
        • Workforce Management
        • Innovation
        • PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments)
        •  etc.

        Click here for event agenda and more information about CDP Roadshow 2010.

        Saturday, March 27, 2010

        A small truth to make life 100%

        Just to share with you the following interesting write-up...


        is ciphered to

        can we get the keyword to make life 100%?

        Hard Work


        = 98%



        = 96%



        = 54%



        = 47%

        (don't most of us think this is the most important???)

        Then what makes 100%?

        Is it Money? ... NO!!!


        = 72%

        Leadership? ... NO!!!


        = 97%

        Every problem has a solution, only if we
        perhaps change our attitude.

        To go to the top, to that 100%, what we
        really need to go further... a bit more...



        = 100%

        It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work
        that make OUR Life 100%!!!

        People with the Right Positive Attitude will make a more efficient organization which will contribute towards a better society and a prosperous nation!

        On the other hand, those with a Negative Attitude and blaming everybody else, will not only NOT solve the problem, but will likely make it worse.


        Change Your Attitude...

        And You Change Your Life!!!

        Now that you know the answer...



        Do not hesitate to click the SHARE button below!

        Sunday, March 14, 2010

        The Top 10s in Universities Ranking on the Web (Jan 2010 Edition) by Webometrics

        By now, results of SPM, STPM, GCE, UEC, etc. should have been released, and it is time for those secondary school graduates who want to further their study to look for university.

        Tertiary education requires a lot of cost, several years of your lifespan, have material impact to your ideology, and might be an important factor for your career path. Therefore, it is important to choose the university wisely, and a worldwide universities ranking can be a good indicator for you.

        The Webometrics World Universities' Ranking has coverage to more than 18,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. It summarizes the global performance of the university, provides information for candidate students and scholars, and reflects the commitment to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

        It is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), part of the National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.

        Now, let's see some of the Top 10s from the results of Webometrics' Jan 2010 Edition of Universities Ranking.
        Top 10 country/political region for tertiary education:

        • 1. United States
        • 2. United Kingdom
        • 3. Germany
        • 4. Canada
        • 5. Taiwan
        • 6. Sweden
        • 7. Spain
        • 8. Japan
        • 9. Brazil
        • 10. Netherlands
        Click here to see the Top 45 ranking and more information about the Webometrics Country Scoreboard.

        So, if you are Human Resource or manager in your company going to interview candidates graduated from one of the country/political region above, go ahead and challenge them with tougher questions. If they passed, offer them a higher pay.

        World's Top 10 Universities:
        • 1. Harvard University
        • 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
        • 3. Stanford University
        • 4. University of California Berkeley
        • 5. Cornell University
        • 6. University of Washington
        • 7. University of Minnesota
        • 8. Johns Hopkins University
        • 9. University of Michigan
        • 10. University of Wisconsin Madison
        All in the Top 10 are from the United States.

        Click here to see the Top 8000 Universities of the world.

        Top 10 Universities in Asia:
        • 1. University of Tokyo, Japan (38)
        • 2. Kyoto University, Japan (52)
        • 3. National Taiwan University, Taiwan (63) 
        • 4. University of Hong Kong (128)
        • 5. Chinese University of Hong Kong (130)
        • 6. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (133)
        • 7. Keio University, Japan (136)
        • 8. National University of Singapore (146)
        • 9. National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (153)
        • 10. Nagoya University, Japan (161)
        The number in the brackets above is their respective World Ranking.

        Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in Asia.

        Top 10 Universities in South East Asia:
        • 1. National University of Singapore (146)
        • 2. Kasetsart University, Thailand (229)
        • 3. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (338)
        • 4. Mahidol University, Thailand (381)
        • 5. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (398)
        • 6. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (468)
        • 7. Chiang Mai University, Thailand (478)
        • 8. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (562)
        • 9. Khon Kaen University, Thailand (567)
        • 10. Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (661)
        What? None from Malaysia? Well, the 11th is Universiti Putra Malaysia (686).

        Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in South East Asia.

        Top 10 Universities in Malaysia:

        • 1. Universiti Putra Malaysia (686)
        • 2. Universiti Sains Malaysia (725)
        • 3. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (733)
        • 4. University of Malaya (778)
        • 5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (985)
        • 6. Universiti Teknologi Mara (1367)
        • 7. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (1413)
        • 8. Universiti Utara Malaysia (1454)
        • 9. Multimedia University (1528)
        • 10. International Islamic University Malaysia (1576)
        Click here to see the universities and colleges ranking of Malaysia

        Are you graduated from one of the world class universities/colleges? Some fresh graduates find it difficult to get a job. It could be due to few years back, they've made an unwise decision and studied in a low ranking university.

        While some might want to argue that university ranking like this could be subjective, the employment market, locally or globally, will eventually reflect the reference value of the ranking system.
        Click here to go to the homepage of Webometrics website.

        Friday, March 5, 2010

        EPF declared 5.65% dividend for 2009

        Few hours ago, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF, a.k.a. KWSP) has just declared the dividend  rate for financial year 2009 to be of 5.65%, which is considered higher than the expectation of most financial analysts and general public.

        This is not too bad, compared to the low rate of 4.5% in FY 2008.

        With this dividend rate, it seems that those who have withdrawn their EPF Account II savings to reduce their housing loan during 2009 might be regreted to do so, as the effective mortgage rate is generally lower than 5.65% in 2009, due to a lower BLR rate along the year.

        Anyhow, this rate is still lower than my personal investment return rate in 2009, therefore I need not regrete to opt for 8% EPF contribution instead of 11% for year 2009-2010. You might have a clue of which shares I invested in by reading my Investment related articles here, particularly those written in 2009.

        Also, this rate is lower than the return I got from the unit trusts I bought with MAAKL Mutual by using part of my EPF Account I savings. Begining from the month of June, I had made 3 such EPF withdrawals during 2009 to invest in unit trust funds in MAAKL Mutual.

        Although the commission rate of buying unit trusts with EPF Account I withdrawal is set at 3%, I still find it pretty expensive, compared to the fees of buying share directly in KLSE through the stockbroker. Luckily it still provides a better return than the 5.65% of EPF, so seems like I have made a good try.

        How about you? Are you happy with the 5.65% rate you got from EPF in 2009? Or not satisfied and demand for more?

        Click here to read the official announcement from EPF, and the investment structure of EPF in 2009, etc.

        Hint: Click on the "Older Posts" link to continue reading, or click here for a listing of all my past 3 months articles.