Showing posts with label family n parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family n parenting. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Malaysia immunization (vaccination) schedule

The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Malaysia has scheduled for every child to be immunized to gain protection against childhood diseases including:

  • Tuberculosis (肺结核)
  • Hepatitis B (B型肝炎)
  • Diphtheria (白喉)
  • Pertussis (百日咳)
  • Tetanus (破伤风)
  • Polio (小儿麻痹症)
  • Hib disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (bacteria) (b型流感嗜血杆菌)
  • Mumps (腮腺炎)
  • Measles (麻疹, applicable in Sabah)
  • Rubella (德国麻疹, applicable for girls)
And the immunization schedule is as follow:
Beside that, some private clinics also recommend additional immunization against:
  • Rotavirus
  • Pneumococcal Conjugate
  • Pneumococcal Polysaccharide
  • Hepatitis A
  • Influenza
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV, applicable for girls)
It is up to the parents whether to let their children accept vaccination to these optional immunization or not.

You are encouraged to consult medication experts for the immunization requirements of your children.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A family vacation trip to Koh Lipe, Thailand

My family has just spent a breakaway vacation to a small island called Koh Lipe in Thailand. The island is also known as "Maldives Of Thailand" for its beautiful coasts and beaches, clean and wonderful sea, and very relaxing simplicity lifestyle. It is located at the northern-west of Pulau Langkawi.

We first drove our car to Bukit Kayu Hitam, parked our car at the carpark near the border. Then, we hired motobikes to escort us to the Malaysia custom, and then cross the border to Thailand custom. After that, we took a minibus to Hat Yai, stayed a night there, and then transported by taxi to a jetty at Pak Barra. From Pak Barra jetty, we took a speedboat to Koh Lipe. There is only one boat from Pak Barra to Koh Lipe per day during this low session, departed at around 11.30am.

We landed at the Sunrise Beach, and walked to Castaway Beach Resort which we've booked for 2 night stay at the cost of 2500 bahts.

We settled down at our double-storey wooden hut of Castaway Beach Resort.

Downstair is an open shower place and toilet with no shelter. So, this kind of hut is only suitable to stay with close family members, and could be embarassing to live together with ordinary friends.

Upstair is the sleeping room with a balcony. There is no aircond but there is a ceiling fan on top. Mosquito net is provided as there will be insects at night.

Castaway Beach Resort has a nice restaurant with delicious food, just nearby the huts.

As in our travel plan, after 2 days, we moved to the more "civilized" Sita Beach Resort & SPA at another end of the island. Sita Beach Resort provided motorbikes transportation to bring us there.

We stay in bungalow villa there, at higher cost than Castaway of course. See the difference between them.

Koh Lipe is about castaway and relaxing, a nice getaway for urban people to enjoy the nature. There is a small street at the center of the island, and the rest is about scenery and nature. The island is so small that you can walk on your legs from one end to another.

We also spent a day visiting to Koh Adang, Koh Ravi and some nearby islands with long tail boat. There is a small island with lots of rocks called Koh Hin-ngam nearby, which is a nice place for swimming, snorkeling and even diving.

Here are some of the photos taken there with my Canon PowerShot S95 digital camera.



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Online registered my kid to Standard 1 in primary school

If your family has a child at the age of 5 or 6, now it is the time to register your kid to Standard 1 in local primary school for year of entry 2012-2013. The registration is open from March until April 2011.

If you are staying in Selangor, you can register your kid online with the web registration service of JPN Selangor: Pengurusan Murid Tahun 1 Online JPN Selangor - Permohonan Penempatan Murid Tahun 1

You will need to key-in the parents detail as well as the kid's detail. Then, you can pick the primary school of your choice for application. At the end of the process, you'll be given a PIN number.

The website could be quite slow. If the page jammed for more than 10 minutes, you can try to click the Back button to go back to previous step, and resubmit again.

The online registration is only half of the whole process. After that, you will need to bring the following documents to the school you wish to register your kid for verification. Acceptance of the registration will depend on JPN Selangor.
  • Birth certificate (original & photocopy)
  • MyKid (original & photocopy)
  • Parents' MyKad (original & photocopy)
  • Marriage certificate of parents (original & photocopy)
  • Utility bill with your address (TNB/water/telephone)
  • Health record card of the child with vaccination records
  • Self-addressed envelop of 4"x9" with 60 sen postage stamp
You can check for the processing and acceptance status at the same website above (with the 4th link in the menu).

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Auspicious dates in 2011 for getting a baby

Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2011 for getting a baby (求嗣), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates have good element(s) to embro/faetus. Traditionally, the dates are referred for conception planning (making love and expecting a baby to the family). Nowadays, people also make reference to them for Caesarian delivery of new born.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement in 2011

Before becoming the life partner, marriage is proposed by lover and engagement is made.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for marriage proposal or engagement in year 2011 (year of Rabbit), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

The dates highlighted in pink are considered even more auspicious.

You might aware that the Saint Valentine's day which fall on 14 February 2011 is among the auspicious dates. Other interesting dates include Women's Day on 8 March 2011 and 11 November 2011 (11-11-11).

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Good luck in getting your right life partner.

Related articles:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Auspicious dates for house warming, open house, party, gathering, etc. in 2011

Here is the list of auspicious dates in 2011 for organizing and hosting meet-up with friends and/or relatives (会友), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu.

The dates are applicable for house warming, open house, home party, gathering, and any other similar functions to meet up with friends and/or relatives.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Auspicious dates for baby first haircut (Mundan) in 2011

In many culture, religion and/or tradition, the first haircut of a baby is considered an important milestone for his/her life. The day is known as Mundan, Chadakarana, Halaqah, Upsherin, etc.

Here is the list of auspicious dates for baby first haircut in year 2011, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Note that there is no particular auspicious date for baby first haircut in January and February of 2011.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in 2011

Here is the list of auspicious dates for moving to new house/office in year 2011, which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

If you are going to move to a new home, don't forget to visit the "home idea" section of my blog to find out my sharing on mortgage, renovation, furnitures, electrical appliances, pest control, etc.

Related articles:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2012

I have posted the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2012 recently, and here is the reverse, namely the inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2012. The list below is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

If you are concerned, then you should probably avoid getting married on the listed days above.

Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

Related articles:

    Monday, December 13, 2010

    Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2012

    Many couples plan for their wedding more than 1 year ahead in order to have sufficient preparation time.

    Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2012 (year of Dragon), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

    Note that there are 2 forth month (润四月) in the lunar year during 2012.

    You might aware that the mid-autumn day which fall on 30 September 2012 is among the auspicious dates. That day will have the brightest and biggest full moon of the year and is a Sunday.

    Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

    Related articles:

      Wednesday, December 8, 2010

      Inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2011

      I have posted the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2011 recently, and here is the reverse, namely the inauspicious dates to avoid for wedding/marriage in 2011. The list below is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

      If you are concerned, then you should probably avoid getting married on the listed days above.

      Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

      Related articles:

      Auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in 2011

      Here is the list of auspicious dates for wedding/marriage in year 2011 (year of Rabbit), which is produced based on the Chinese almanac Tong Shu. (Click the image to enlarge)

      The dates highlighted in pink are considered even more auspicious.

      You might aware that the mid-autumn day which fall on 12 September 2011 is among the auspicious dates. That day will have the brightest and biggest full moon of the year. Another interesting date is Christmas Eve which fall on 24 December 2011 and is a Saturday.

      Bear in mind that although the Tong Shu is a compilation of Chinese astrology and calendaring studies gathering wisdom of thousands of years, we should use it wisely and rationally, but not be too superstitious on it.

      Related articles:

      Sunday, October 17, 2010

      What are the 300 products have import duty abolished in 2011 National Budget

      The 2011 National Budget speech by Najib on 15 October 2010 evening proposed that the import duty of approximately 300 goods preferred by tourists and locals be abolished with immediate effect.

      Those items are:

      • Handbags, wallets, suitcases, briefcases, apparel, suits, children's apparel, shirts, undergarments, lingerie, nightwear, footwear, shoes and hats (duty between 5%-20%)
      • Jewellery, costume jewellery and ornaments (duty between 5%-20%)
      • Golf balls, toys such as dolls and small scale recreational models (duty between 5%-20%)
      • Talcum powder, face powder, shampoo, hair colourants and perfume (duty between 10%-20%)
      • Bedspreads, blankets, bed sheets, curtains, table cloth and mosquito nettings (duty between 10%-20%)
      The detail listis said to be available in a so-called Appendix A, which I still can't find downloadabale in any government websites now.

      Click here to download the speech of 2011 National Budget

      Click here to download the 16 appendixes of 2011 National Budget (but without the Appendix A)

      Saturday, July 31, 2010

      HareNet 6th Parenthood Expo 2010

      The annual HareNet Parenthood Expo is targetted to pregnancy, birth, babies, toddlers and parents, showcasing products and services for growing young families.

      Date: 20-22 August 2010
      Time: 10.30am - 9.00pm
      Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (MVEC), KL
      Admission: free

      There will be exhibition, stage activities as well as seminar & talks.

      Click here for the programme schedule of the HareNet 6th Parenthood Expo 2010.

      Sunday, May 23, 2010

      MoneyTree June 2010 school holiday Financial Education Fast Track Programme

      The MoneyTree June 2010 Financial Education Fast Track Programme is a school holiday program designed to increase your children's keen interest in Financial Literacy through a Learn-Through-Play approach.

      The program is claimed to be able to help your children realize the importance of Financial Literacy, and more importantly, acquire the right attitude, mindset and habits towards MONEY.

      This program is targetted to children of 9-12 years old (Junior Fast Track) and 13-17 years old (Apprentice Fast Track).

      The program will teach the children on:

      • How to manage money wisely
      • How to avoid the pitfalls with credit cards
      • The different investment instruments and how to use them
      • How to build and grow fund for their future
      • Hands on experience
      • and more...
      Upon completion of the program, the children will receive certification from Open University Malaysia (OUM).
      Maybank clients who sign up their children to this program will get special bonus of:
      • RM100 cash to be deposited to the children's Maybank account
      • 3 additional MoneyTree classes for the children (worth RM190)
      Click here for more information about the MoneyTree June 2010 school holiday Financial Education Fast Track Programme.

      Friday, April 23, 2010

      Herbs to increase milk production for breastfeeding mother

      It seems to be a common topic among the mothers, especially the first time mothers, about facing inadequate milk production problem, especially during the confinement period.

      My wife's experience can testify that there are some herbs which can be taken by the mother to help promote lactation to breastfeed the baby. In fact, those herbs are categorized in a family with a Greek name: "galactagogues".

      If you want to look for such milk supply enhancement herbs in the pharmacy or baby/mother specialty shop, just mention "galactagogues" to the shopkeeper. If you find it difficult to remember this name, you can also mention "nursing tea" or "milkmaid tea" instead.

      The herbs which are traditionally used to increase milk production including:

      • Alfalfa
      • Anise
      • Asparagus racemosus (a.k.a. Shatavari)
      • Astragalus root
      • Cnicus benedictus (a.k.a. Blessed thistle)
      • Fennel (a.k.a. Foeniculum vulgare)
      • Fenugreek
      • Orange cinnamon
      • Red raspberry leaf (a.k.a. Rubus idaeus)
      • Stinging nettle
      The nursing tea products sold in the shops are normally a mixture of the above herbs. Some of the brands are Joy Angel Nursing Tea, Earth Mama Milkmaid Tea, Autumnz Organic Nursing Tea, etc.

      It is said that the effectiveness of herbal galactogogues can be increased by consuming together with marshmallow root at the same time.

      Mothers who have used galactagogues products before are encouraged to share your testimonial here.

      Sunday, March 14, 2010

      The Top 10s in Universities Ranking on the Web (Jan 2010 Edition) by Webometrics

      By now, results of SPM, STPM, GCE, UEC, etc. should have been released, and it is time for those secondary school graduates who want to further their study to look for university.

      Tertiary education requires a lot of cost, several years of your lifespan, have material impact to your ideology, and might be an important factor for your career path. Therefore, it is important to choose the university wisely, and a worldwide universities ranking can be a good indicator for you.

      The Webometrics World Universities' Ranking has coverage to more than 18,000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. It summarizes the global performance of the university, provides information for candidate students and scholars, and reflects the commitment to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

      It is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS), part of the National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.

      Now, let's see some of the Top 10s from the results of Webometrics' Jan 2010 Edition of Universities Ranking.
      Top 10 country/political region for tertiary education:

      • 1. United States
      • 2. United Kingdom
      • 3. Germany
      • 4. Canada
      • 5. Taiwan
      • 6. Sweden
      • 7. Spain
      • 8. Japan
      • 9. Brazil
      • 10. Netherlands
      Click here to see the Top 45 ranking and more information about the Webometrics Country Scoreboard.

      So, if you are Human Resource or manager in your company going to interview candidates graduated from one of the country/political region above, go ahead and challenge them with tougher questions. If they passed, offer them a higher pay.

      World's Top 10 Universities:
      • 1. Harvard University
      • 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
      • 3. Stanford University
      • 4. University of California Berkeley
      • 5. Cornell University
      • 6. University of Washington
      • 7. University of Minnesota
      • 8. Johns Hopkins University
      • 9. University of Michigan
      • 10. University of Wisconsin Madison
      All in the Top 10 are from the United States.

      Click here to see the Top 8000 Universities of the world.

      Top 10 Universities in Asia:
      • 1. University of Tokyo, Japan (38)
      • 2. Kyoto University, Japan (52)
      • 3. National Taiwan University, Taiwan (63) 
      • 4. University of Hong Kong (128)
      • 5. Chinese University of Hong Kong (130)
      • 6. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (133)
      • 7. Keio University, Japan (136)
      • 8. National University of Singapore (146)
      • 9. National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (153)
      • 10. Nagoya University, Japan (161)
      The number in the brackets above is their respective World Ranking.

      Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in Asia.

      Top 10 Universities in South East Asia:
      • 1. National University of Singapore (146)
      • 2. Kasetsart University, Thailand (229)
      • 3. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand (338)
      • 4. Mahidol University, Thailand (381)
      • 5. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (398)
      • 6. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (468)
      • 7. Chiang Mai University, Thailand (478)
      • 8. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (562)
      • 9. Khon Kaen University, Thailand (567)
      • 10. Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (661)
      What? None from Malaysia? Well, the 11th is Universiti Putra Malaysia (686).

      Click here to see the Top 100 Universities in South East Asia.

      Top 10 Universities in Malaysia:

      • 1. Universiti Putra Malaysia (686)
      • 2. Universiti Sains Malaysia (725)
      • 3. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (733)
      • 4. University of Malaya (778)
      • 5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (985)
      • 6. Universiti Teknologi Mara (1367)
      • 7. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (1413)
      • 8. Universiti Utara Malaysia (1454)
      • 9. Multimedia University (1528)
      • 10. International Islamic University Malaysia (1576)
      Click here to see the universities and colleges ranking of Malaysia

      Are you graduated from one of the world class universities/colleges? Some fresh graduates find it difficult to get a job. It could be due to few years back, they've made an unwise decision and studied in a low ranking university.

      While some might want to argue that university ranking like this could be subjective, the employment market, locally or globally, will eventually reflect the reference value of the ranking system.
      Click here to go to the homepage of Webometrics website.

      Saturday, March 6, 2010

      Done my comprehensive health screening @ Golden Horses Health Sanctuary

      Today I've done my comprehensive health screening together with my wife at Golden Horses Health Sanctuary(GHHS) inside the Palace of the Golden Horses.

      Seems like both of us need to reduce some of our body fat to make it fall back to the "normal range" from the current slightly high side.

      Few years back, we joint the membership of this health screening programme at the price of RM5,000 and entitiled to use some of the Country Heights' facilities (such as swimming pool, gym, etc.) and 20 years of annual health screening service at the cost of RM3xx per year.

      This is a really comprehensive health examination. The result of the following 99 items are included in my report:
      • General inspection (10 items)
      • Ophthalmic inspection (8 items)
      • Physical examination (11 items)
      • Electrocardiogram (ECG) (1 item)
      • Hearing inspection (2 items)
      • Pulmonary function inspection (3 items)
      • Hematology profile (15 items)
      • Blood group (2 items)
      • Diabetic screening (1 item)
      • Lipids profile (6 items)
      • Liver function (9 items)
      • Renal function profile (5 items)
      • Calcium, phosphorus and iron (3 items)
      • Gout screening (1 item)
      • Hepatitis B screening and other serology test (3 items)
      • Arthritis screening (1 item)
      • Thyroid profile (2 items)
      • Cancer screening (2 items)
      • Urinalysis (12 items)
      • Chest X-Ray (1 item)
      • Ultrasound abdomen and pelvis (1 item)
      My wife's report contains even more items, including ultrasound on breast and pap smear test.

      We are given free voucher (transferable) to conduct bone test, recommended for people above 45 years old. As we are still at our young age, we plan to transfer the entitlement for the bone test to our parents.

      It is a good practice to conduct comprehensive health screening to our body, so that if there is any health distortion, can be detected and rectified at early stage. We can also enjoy an income tax relief of up to RM500 per year for complete medical examination like this.

      So, have you done yours?

      Wednesday, February 17, 2010

      My Takada ISB-889 Air Master 4-in-1 air cooler

      The weather during this Chinese New Year time is freaking hot, and it is so uncomfortable to stay indoor without air-cond, not to mention sleeping in the hot night with only ceiling fan blowing at the maximum speed.

      Therefore, I decided to hunt for an air cooler to be used in my hometown.

      There are 2 brands of air cooler selling at Tesco for RM2xx, namely Takada and Global, but it seems that others have also hunted for the same thing like me, and they've run out of stock.

      Finally, managed to buy a Takada ISB-889 Air Master 4-in-1 air cooler at the cost of RM3xx in Parkson. The size of this unit is bigger than the air coolers sold in Tesco, with a stronger blower and larger water tank. Functionality wise is the same though.

      Its so-called 4-in-1 functions are:
      • Cooler - with water and ice box
      • Purifier - with its filter and ozone release
      • Ionizer - with its oxygen bar releasing negative ion
      • Humidifier - damping with water curtain
      It comes with 2 ice boxes which need to be refrigerated before use and can last for 4 hours. I purchased an additional larger ice box which can last for 8 hours for night use. One of its beauty is that it consumes very low electricity, at 70W only.

      Although not comparable with air-cond, this air cooler functions pretty well in keeping the room cool, and now we can sleep comfortably at night.

      Monday, February 8, 2010

      The sextuple constraint of scope, time, cost, quality, risk and resource

      If you have been involved in any kind of project management, be it in business or personal, you might have known about the famous triple constraint of project management, with the following general formula:

      Quality = f(Scope, Time, Cost)

      It is a simple rule of concept that says:

      • To get the product with quality of your expectation, you have to at least plan carefully for the scope of work, time schedule and cost allocation.
      • In order to maintain the same quality, any change to one of the 3 factors will need an adjustment to the remaining 2 of them. The 3 constraints are inter-dependent.
      • If you want to adjust your quality expectation (either better or lower), then you can also adjust factors of scope, time and cost accordingly.
      This is a very powerful concept commonly used during project planning, project monitoring and change management. It is used to assess the viability and to balance the trade-off factors.

      For example, it is generally true that if you want to achieve a wide scope with little cost and time, you have to compromise on the quality expectation.

      This triple constraint has been expanded to sextuple constraint in modern project management literature. They are: scope, time, cost, quality, risk and resource.
      The risk factor is crucial because if it is not well managed, it will affect the other factors as well. Risk management comes in as preventive measure to safeguard the planned time schedule, cost, quality and resource allocated for the specific scope.

      Resource is also an important factor. For example, with better resource on hand, you might be able to achieve the scope of quality with less time, cost and risk.

      It is a good practise to always refer to the sextuple constraint for planning, managing and making changes to projects, so that our expectation is more realistic and success is viable.

      You might want to use it in some of these projects which most of us will surely encounter during our life voyage:
      • Education planning
      • Wedding planning
      • Parenthood planning
      • Buying a house
      • House renovation and/or decoration
      • Travel planning
      • Retirement planning
      • ...
      And of course, this is always applied to project management at work, including:
      • Software development
      • Building development
      • Business development
      • Operations planning
      • Change/Restructuring management
      • ...

        Hint: Click on the "Older Posts" link to continue reading, or click here for a listing of all my past 3 months articles.