Friday, February 6, 2009

Top 5 trends in Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customers today have changed. Thanks to the emergence of various internet and web technologies, they have access to more information. Also, the recent global economic situation has made spending to be more cautious.

It is predicted that the following trends will accelerate or begin to emerge.

1. Companies will begin to break free from old habits
The companies are seeking to communicate with customers through channels that facilitate engagement and personalization with new marketing channels. The shift of power from corporations to buyers is intensified. Marketing needs to change the strategy to be more collaborative.

2. Interactive marketing will emerge as the dominant marketing discipline
This will engage the customers and prospects in a cross-channel dialogue that builds on their past and current behaviour.

3. Companies will renew efforts to increase customer awareness
They need to find ways to listen and understand more from the customers.

4. Customer decision making will be centralized to drive the dialogue
A centralized decision-making capability that can facilitate dialogue across outbound and inbound, also online and offline marketing channels, is needed.

5. Companies will restructure in order to aid cross-channel execution
More skill sets are required for interactive marketing. Companies need to be more creative, analytical, technical savvy and process focused.

* The above top 5 trends in CRM is referenced from an article written by Elana Anderson in the Baseline Magazine.

Top 10 IT trends for 2009

What IT technologies are able to bring enterprises with competitive advantage in the predicted tough times of 2009?

1. Software as a Service (SaaS)
According to RBC Capital Markets, SaaS is expected to command a 23% share of the $120 billion software market in US by 2010 with its current annual growth rate of above 40%.

2. Virtualization
It is estimated that about 50-60% of all servers are now virtualized to reduce server sprawl.

3. Enterprise Mobility
This is boasted by the emergence of high speed wireless network, such as the 3G, HSPDA, etc.

4. Energy-Efficient Data Centres
The concept of Green IT is blooming...

5. Security, Risk and Compliance
More automation will be seen in these areas.

6. Social Networking
Companies are tapping into the powerful virtual communities in social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

7. Web 2.0
More and more websites and web applications are jumping into this bandwagon, which is able to provide seamless ubiquitous rich content and better interactivity.

8. Document Management and E-Discovery
More and more IT vendors are producing and enhancing solutions in this area.

9. Project Management (PM) and Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
More and more organizations are migrating from simple tools such as spreadsheets and e-mail to formal PM and PPM applications.

10. Web and Video Collaboration
More and more organizations are adopting video conferencing and telepresense systems.

* The top 10 IT trends above are referenced from an article written by Samuel Greengard in the Baseline Magazine.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Latest BLR rate of banks in Malaysia as of Feb-2009

Following Bank Negara's move to reduce the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 75 basis points to 2.50 percent and Statutory Reserve Requirement (SRR) from 3.5 percent to 2 percent effective 1 February 2009, banks in Malaysia have reduced their deposit interest rates as well as their Base Lending Rate (BLR) respectively.

Here are their latest BLR rate as of today (5 Feb 2009):

  • Majority of the banks: 5.95%
  • Bangkok Bank Berhad: 5.50%
  • Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (M) Berhad: 5.75%
  • Deutsche Bank (M) Berhad: 5.75%
  • J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad: 5.75%
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland Berhad: 5.75%
  • Affin Bank Berhad: 5.90%
  • Citibank Berhad: 6.00%
  • EON Bank Berhad: 6.50% (not yet revised)
  • AmBank (M) Berhad: 6.55% (not yet revised)
You can always click here for the latest BLR info of the banks.

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